Saturday, December 18, 2010

Holiday Wishes

With the conclusion of December 17's school day, the 2010 calendar year officially comes to a close here at Templeton. The school will be on our annual winter break from December 18 to January 3 inclusive. School will officially re-open on Tuesday, January 4, 2011.

I want to take this opportunity right now to wish everybody a safe and rewarding break. Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thanks for making Templeton a Winner once again!

Thanks to everyone's generosity, Templeton has successfully out-donated Van Tech, Windermere, and Britannia in this year's can food drive! The needs in the community are great, and Templeton students have once again demonstrated tremendous community spirit in helping those who are in need.

Congratulations, and way to go, Titans!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bell Schedle for December 17

The following is the bell schedule for the last day of classes, Friday, December 17:
  • 1st period (2.3): 8:35 - 9:25
  • 2nd period (2.4): 9:35 - 10:25
  • 3rd period (2.1): 10:30 - 11:20
  • Lunch: 11:20 - 12:20
  • 4th period (2.2): 12:25 - 1:15
  • Winter Celebration in the auditorium (presented by your student council): 1:45 - 3:00
There has been a couple of changes to the bell schedule. We apologize for any confusion that the changes may have caused.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

January 2011's bus passes

Several students have come in to see me regarding the bus passes for January 2011 already.

I was told by the office that bus passes for the new year will NOT arrive until the first day of classes. On January 4, 2011, I will be distributing the January bus passes to you.

Translink offers free service on Christmas eve as well as New Year's eve. (For information, you can click on the link here) If you are in serious need for a bus ticket for the first 3 days of January, please come to see me directly and I will try to make arrangements for you.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Calendar of Events (December)

Before we know it, 2010 is coming to an end, and yes, first term is DONE, just like that! Congratulations to those of you who have worked really hard to be excellent this term! For those of you who have not done as well as you know you are capable of - there is still LOTS of time to make up!Below is a list of important dates for the month of December. Jot it down!
  • Dec 1 (Wed): End of Term 1
  • Dec 1 (Wed): Library Monitors' Party (after school)
  • Dec 1 (Wed): Mini School Winter Celebration (6:00 - 9:00 p.m.)
  • Dec 2 and 3 (Thu, Fri): Fine Arts 8 Rotation
  • Dec 2 (Thu): LPI exams (after school, library)
  • Dec 6 (Mon): Term 1 Marks submitted to office
  • Dec 8 (Wed): Winter Concert
  • Dec 8 - 10 (Wed - Fri): "Let Me Up!" presentations
  • Dec 9 (Thu): January's Lunch Envelopes Due
  • Dec 13 - 14 (Mon - Tue): Gingerbread Competition
  • Dec 14 (Tue): Staff Christmas Lunch, Report Cards Pick-up (3:00 p.m.)
  • Dec 15 (Wed): "Kindness Rocks" presentations (12:45 p.m. session for Grade 9s)
  • Dec 16 (Thu): Student Christmas Lunch
  • Dec 17 (Fri): Last Day of Classes with adjusted Schedule (TBA)
  • Dec 18 - Jan 2, 2011: Christmas/Winter Break
Mr. L's note: Speaking of Christmas and the holidays, the above picture is taken from Van Dusen Garden, who has a "Festival of Lights" every year. It is absolutely beautiful - if you have a chance, it is worth a visit! Have a wonderful December, a restful break, and Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 29, 2010

December's Bus Pass

December's bus passes have arrived. You can come to my office at your convenience to pick yours up.

Students may request for a bus pass if they a) are in a distract program; b) live more than 4.8 km from the school, and c) have a financial need. A proof of address and documentation supporting financial need must accompany an application for a bus pass. If you have submitted an application for a buss pass but are not receiving one, please see Mr. Mustapich.

I will not be in my office after school Tuesday, November 30, so please try to come and find me prior to that to avoid not having your bus pass for Wednesday’s commute to school.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Link Christmas Drive

The Link Crew is running a Christmas Drive to put together hampers for Templeton families in need. All donations made will go directly to a fellow Titan. We are looking for non-perishables, gift cards, toys, books, and other gifts that can help make someone's Christmas a little brighter. Please bring all donations to your Socials classes. We are competing against Kitsilano to see who can raise the most, so come out and support your school! If you have any questions, please see Miss Loo or Mr. Breden.

Monday, November 22, 2010

School Closure when school is in session

Below is the official Vancouver School Board release of its policy regarding school closures when school is in session:

This applies to a situation where a school, schools, or the entire system is CLOSED due to weather conditions (e.g. snow), natural disaster, or other conditions that might endanger the health of students and staff. When all schools are closed all other programs and worksites, e.g. night schools and committee meetings, will also be closed/cancelled.

A CLEAR ANNOUNCEMENT stating that schools are closed will be provided by 6:00 a.m. to local radio stations. The Board will contact the following radio and television stations to make an announcement regarding any closures. Please do not call media outlets to determine whether schools are closed.

  • CKNW (980 AM)
  • CKWX (NEWS 1130 AM)
  • CBC RADIO (690 AM, 105.7 FM)
  • BCTV/Global (cable channel 11)
  • FAIRCHILD Radio (CJVB AM 1470/CKHG FM 96.1)
  • CITY TV (cable channel 13)

Friday, November 19, 2010

December's Lunch Envelopes

Lunch envelopes for the month of December are due Monday, November 22. Please have your completed lunch envelopes ready, and drop them off at the box in the main office.

Late submissions may result in you not having a lunch card on December 1. Please submit your lunch envelopes as soon as possible.

Hot lunches for the month cost $70. For students in families with financial difficulties, a $35 fee is recommended. If you have any questions, please talk to me, or Mr. Mustapich, the vice principal in charge of the school lunch program.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Grade 9 Immunization Clinic Update

This is a reminder that the grade 9 immunization clinic will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov 16 from 8:40 to 11:40 a.m. Students will be called down to the auditorium through the PA in alphabetical order. Volunteers will help line you up, and staff from Vancouver Coastal Health will assist you through the immunization process.

If you have forgotten to submit your consent form, please bring it WITH YOU when you are called down to the auditorium. You no longer need to submit the consent form to the office.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Block Rotation Reminder

Just a reminder to all students that the first block rotation will take place this Wednesday, November 10 (Day 1), followed by Monday, November 15 (Day 2).

On Wednesday, the classes will go as follows:
Periods 3, 4, 1, and 2 (i.e. Blocks C, D, A, and B)

On Monday, the classes will go as follows:
Periods 3, 4, 1, and 2 (i.e. Blocks G, H, E, and F)

If you see a new Templeton student or a grade 8 student seemingly lost, please try to assist him/her. If the student you are helping does not have a timetable with him/her, please direct him/her to see one of the counsellors. Thank you in advance for demonstrating your community spirit and social responsibility!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Remembrance Day Assemblies

This year's Remembrance Day assemblies will take place on Wednesday, November 10 during the first two periods. Grades 8, 9, and 12 will be called to the auditorium at 9:00 (period 1.3, or block C), while grades 10 and 11 will be called to the auditorium at 10:20 (period 1.4, or Block D).
The following are general guidelines for this assembly:
  • Students are to stay with their teacher and class for the assembly
  • Students will be directed to their seats by their teachers
  • Students should not bring any electronic devices, back packs, or their books to the assembly
  • Because Remembrance Day is an occasion for reflection, students are asked to enter the auditorium in a quiet and orderly manner. Students are also expected to conduct themselves appropriately and respectfully.
  • Students should not be talking while entering and exiting the auditorium.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Teen Mentors Required

If you are a grade 9, 10, or 11 Templeton student who likes to spend time with kids and are looking for volunteer experiences, Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver is currently looking for teen volunteers among you!As a teen mentor, you will work one day a week, after school from 3:30 to 4:30, with a student (boy or girl) from A.R. Lord Elementary. You can hang out at the school's playground, play games and sports, or do arts and crafts with your elementary mentee.

To apply, you can pick up an application form from Jasmine Oliver in the Community School office (right opposite to the counselling suites). Complete the form as soon as possible, and return it to Jasmine.

If you have any questions, you can come and ask me, or see Jasmine in the Community School Office.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Grade 9 Immunization Clinic

An information package was given to you last week regarding the grade 9 immunization clinic. The package includes the following:
  • Detailed information and instructions from our school nurse, Mr. Jamie Pringle, on the immunization clinic
  • Consent forms for all students
Consent forms can be returned to the main office. A box labeled "Grade 9 Immunization Clinic Consent Forms" can be found. Completed consent forms can be placed into the box to be collected. The last day to accept the consent forms would be Monday, November 8.

The immunization clinic itself will take place Tuesday, November 16 between 8:45 - 11:45 a.m. Students will be called down in alphabetical order by their last names over on the PA. When called, students are expected to directly report to the auditorium. Once there, Mr. Pringle and his associates will assist the student through the immunization project.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Calendar of Events (November)

The following are some important dates for the month of November - please mark them down on your calendar:
  • Nov 3 (Wed): Take Your Child to Work Day (consent forms must be filled out for you to participate)
  • Nov 9 (Tue): Secondary Band Festival @ PW
  • Nov 9 (Tue): PAC Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
  • Nov 10 (Wed): Block Rotation - 3-4-1-2 (or C-D-A-B)
  • Nov 11 (Thu): Remembrance Day - school not in session
  • Nov 12 (Fri): District Closure Day - school not in session
  • Nov 15 (Mon): Block Rotation - 3-4-1-2 (or G-H-E-F)
  • Nov 15 - Nov 23: Grade 9 Guidance Classes, 1st Rotation - I will be visiting your English class for the first guidance class of the year
  • Nov 16 (Tue): Grade 9 Immunization Clinic (morning only)
  • Nov 17 (Wed): Afternoon classes shortened for the parent-teacher conference (6:00 - 8:30 p.m.)
  • Nov 18 (Thu): Instructional Planning Period (students start school at 10:00)
  • Nov 22 (Mon): December's Lunch Envelopes due
  • Nov 24 (Wed): Mini school info night - 7:00 p.m.
  • Nov 26 (Fri): Non-instructional Day - school not in session

Interim Reports, Parent-Teacher Forms

There will be a brief homeroom class at 3:00 p.m. today for all students. Grades 8 to 10 students will be receiving their interim reports - please take them home for parents to review and sign. Counsellors, teachers, and administrators are available to discuss with you and your parents on any concerns that are raised from the interim reports.

A parent-teacher interview form can also be found among the package students take home today. The first parent-teacher interviews will take place Wednesday, November 17 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Appointments with teachers, counsellors, and administrators can be made on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please return completed parent-teacher interview forms to the office as soon as possible.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bell Schedule for Oct 29

Below is the adjusted bell schedule for Friday, October 29:
  • Period 1 (Block A, or 1.1) - 8:35 - 10:00 (unchanged)
  • Break: 10:00 - 10:15 (unchanged)
  • Period 2 (Block B, or 1.2) - 10:15 - 11:40 (unchanged)
  • Extended Lunch - 11:40 - 12:41 (extended 16 minutes for the mini carnival in the old gym)
  • Period 3 (Block C, or 1.3) - 12:41 - 1:51 (shortened 8 minutes)
  • Period 4 (Block D, or 1.4) - 1:57 - 3:07 (shortened 8 minutes)
Please note the bell schedule, and make sure you are not late for any of your classes!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

November's Bus Pass

November's bus passes have arrived. You can come to my office at your convenience to pick yours up.

Students may request for a bus pass if they a) are in a distract program; b) live more than 4.8 km from the school, and c) have a financial need. A proof of address and documentation supporting financial need must accompany an application for a bus pass. If you have submitted an application for a buss pass but is not receiving one, please see Mr. Mustapich.

As November 1 is a Monday, please come to pick up your bus pass before the end of this week to ensure you will have a bus pass on November 1 when you take your morning bus to the school.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Dance Canceled

The Halloween Dance that was scheduled to take place this Thursday at 7:00 p.m. has been canceled. In replacement of that, student council will hold a mini-carnival in the old gym Friday at lunch. Please see the student bulletin for more details.

For students who have purchased dance tickets, you may go to the front foyer Wednesday and Thursday during lunch hour to have your tickets refunded. You would need to bring your ticket, as well as your go-card, with you for the refund.

As a result of the Friday's mini carnival, the bell schedule will be adjusted. I will write another entry about the bell schedule once it is announced.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Drop Everything and Read

Next week marks the beginning of the National School Library Week. To celebrate this, Templeton is hosting an event called "Drop Everything and Read" next Monday, Oct 25.

Bring a novel, a non-fiction book, a magazine, or whatever other reading materials that may be of interest to you to your 2nd period class. At 11:00 a.m., all students can drop whatever work they are doing, and read for 20 minutes for your own pleasure!

So, bring your books, and... happy reading!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

November's Lunch Envelopes

Lunch envelopes for the month of November are due Thursday, November 21. Please have your completed lunch envelopes ready, and drop them off at the box in the main office.

Late submissions may result in you not having a lunch card on November 1. Please submit your lunch envelopes as soon as possible.

Hot lunches for the month cost $70. For students in families with financial difficulties, a $35 fee is recommended. If you have any questions, please talk to me, or Mr. Mustapich, the vice principal in charge of the school lunch program.

Monday, October 18, 2010

End of Course Changes

Mrs. Roberts has announced that course changes will no longer be accepted unless due to exceptional circumstances.

Students who wish to change into a different course because of exceptional circumstances must now obtain a course transfer request form from me. Completed forms with a detailed explanation to the reason for the course change request, together with a parent/guardian signature, will be reviewed by an administrator. A final decision to grant/deny the change will be made, and you will be notified of that decision.

This deadline has to be implemented because, as the year moves forward, it is becoming increasingly difficult for students to catch up on missed work; it is also extremely disruptive for teachers to have students still entering and leaving classes almost two months into term 1. Thank you very much for your cooperation and understanding.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Take Our Kids to Work

Hosted by The Learning Partnership, a national non-profit organization dedicated to championing a strong public education system in Canada, the 16th annual "Take Our Kids to Work" program will take place this year on Wednesday, November 3.
On that day, grade 9 students can spend the day at work, job-shadowing a parent, a relative, or a family friend.

Students who are interested in participating in this program can come and Mr. Hayes in the Career Center, or you can come and see me. A consent form will be issued to you. Completed forms must be returned to me by October 29 (Friday).

Please note: Unfortunately, we will not be able to arrange a placement for job-shadowing for you. You and your family must try to arrange for the day if you are interested in participating. For more information, please come to speak to me or Mr. Hayes directly. You can also visit the Learning Partnership's website (click here) to find out more about the vision and purpose for the "Take Our Kids to Work" program.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Instructional Planning Period

Just a reminder to all of you that there will be an instructional planning period (IPP) tomorrow, Thursday, Oct 14. Teachers will be having department meetings and collaborative time, so, unfortunately, they would not be able to meet with you during that time.

All students are expected to report to their SECOND PERIOD CLASS (i.e. Block B, or 1.2 class) at 10:15, the normal start time for second period.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Challenge Exams Information

Information packages for the language challenge exams are now available from the Delta School District's Challenge Exam website (click here).

Language challenge exams that will be administered include:
  • French 11/12
  • Mandarin 11/12 (Traditional and Simplified Chinese)
  • Spanish 11/12
  • German 11/12
  • Japanese 11/12
  • Korean 11/12
  • Punjabi 11/12
All exams will be written in Delta between January 22 to 30, 2011.

Ms. Foster, our grade 11 counsellor, will be the school liaison person for the exams. Students must fill in, electronically, pages 10 and 11 of their application (click here) before printing them out.

Ms. Foster will announce the Templeton deadline for all forms to come in. If you require the application form e-mailed to you, please send me an e-mail at - clearly tell me your full name, and the exam you are planning to challenge, and I will e-mail the student application form for you.

Please note: you can only challenge for each subject once - and the mark you receive from the challenge exam will become your official mark for the course. For Grade 12 challenge courses, you have the option of writing the optional provincial exams - in that case, your challenge exam's result will become your school percentage (worth 40% of your blended mark).

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reminder: District Closure Day Oct 8

Just a reminder to all parents and students that Friday, October 8 will be a district closure day for schools in Vancouver. School is not in session that day, and staff would not be available either.

School will return to session next Tuesday, October 12 following Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy the added day off, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Photo Re-takes: Tuesday, October 12

Photo re-takes will take place next Tuesday, October 12, in the morning only.

The following students can take part in the photo re-take session:
  • If you are a new student at Templeton and have missed the school's first photo session
  • If you were not present on the first day where student photos were taken
  • If you wish to re-take your picture and order a new photo package
As far as I know, you cannot re-take your picture if you want to use it for your go-card only. Please check with the photographers from Artona for more details and the official answer.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Free Math Tutoring

Mr. Handscomb has informed me that, starting this week, math tutoring will be available EVERYDAY at lunch in his room (Room 224). Senior students will be in the room assisting you with various levels of math. You do not have to be a student in Mr. Handscomb class to attend.

You can bring your lunch, bring your friends, and of course, bring your math homework.

A big "thank you" to the math department for providing this service, and an even bigger "thank you" goes out to the peer-tutoring students who are sacrificing their lunch periods to assist you. Please take full advantage of this free service provided.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

October's Bus Pass

Just to let you know that the October buss passes have arrived. You can come to my office at your convenience to pick yours up.

Students may request for a bus pass if they a) are in a distract program; b) live more than 4.8 km from the school, and c) have a financial need. A proof of address and documentation supporting financial need must accompany an application for a bus pass. If you have submitted an application for a buss pass but is not receiving one, you need to speak to Mr. Mustapich to review and/or to appeal.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Calendar of Events (October)

The following are some important dates that are coming up in the month of October - please mark them on your agenda:
  • Friday, October 8: District Closure Day - school not in session
  • Monday, October 11: Thanksgiving Day - school not in session
  • Tuesday, October 12: Photo Re-takes (morning only)
  • Tuesday, October 12: Post-secondary afternoon (for grades 11s and 12s only)
  • Thursday, October 14: Instructional Planning Period - students go to their second period classes at 10:15
  • Tuesday, October 19: Canadian National Math League Competition
  • Thursday, October 21: November lunch envelopes due
  • Friday, October 22: Professional Development Day - school not in session
  • Wednesday, October 27: school dance (tentative)

Friday, September 24, 2010

East Vancouver Youth Clinic

Starting September 13, the East Vancouver Youth Clinic (formerly called the Commercial Drive Youth Clinic) will have a new location.
It will be located on Unit #210, 1669 East Broadway, just one block from the Broadway Skytrain station (see map below).
The clinic is opened Mondays to Wednesdays between 3 to 6 p.m., and Fridays from 2 to 5 p.m. It is closed on Thursdays.

For those of you who may not be aware of the youth clinic's services, it offers free and confidential drop in services for youth up to the age of 24. At the clinic, you can talk to health care providers about the health issues that are important to you. For more information, you can check out the following website (click here). You can also call the youth clinic at 604-675-3986.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

October's Lunch Envelopes

The deadline for submitting your lunch envelopes for the month of October is tomorrow, Wednesday, September 22. Please have your lunch envelopes ready, and place them in the large metal box located in the school office.

Hot lunches for the month cost $70. For students in families with financial difficulties, a $35 fee is recommended. If you have any questions, please talk to me, or Mr. Mustapich, the vice principal in charge of the school lunch program.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Spirit Week

Grads of 2014! The student council wants to welcome you back to another exciting year, and to help build school spirit, the council will be holding its annual spirit week next week, September 20 to 24. Here are the themes for each individual day:
  • Monday, September 20: PJ Day
  • Tuesday, September 21: Crazy Hair Day
  • Wednesday, September 22: Nerd Day
  • Thursday, September 23: Crayon Day
  • Friday, September 24: Hip Hop Day
Games, contests, and other activities would be held daily during lunch at the front foyer.

I hope you will dress up, and participate in all the fun!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Course Change Requests (Update)

I'm pleased to tell you that all students in grade 9 now have a complete timetable. This means, I have started working on your requests for course changes.

Please be aware that not all courses are available every block. This creates several potential problems for you:
  • If the elective course occurs at the same time as one of your required courses, and there are no possible ways to put you in another section for that required course, my priority would be to ensure that you have that required course first.
  • There is a class-size limit to all courses. If a course is full at a particular block, I would not be able to schedule you into that class, even if the course change would work time-wise.
I am keeping a running list of all of your course change requests. I would let you know if I can make a course switch with you, and I am going through the entire list of requests everyday to ensure that you can be scheduled when a space becomes available.

I understand that this is a crazy time, and a stressful period for all of you who wants to change courses (I am going bonkers with all these myself). I appreciate your patience in this waiting process.

Please come to see me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Timetable Changes: Week of Sept 7

Just a reminder: For the week of September 7 to 10, counsellors would only be able to work with students who have incomplete timetables. In other words, if you have a timetable that has fewer than 8 courses, counsellors would work to help you fix your schedule.

Course change requests will be taken, and I will try to make those changes when all students registered at our grade has a basic timetable to go to.

Please note also: I cannot make a timetable change for you just because you want a specific teacher to teach a course you are taking. Thanks for your understanding!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Calendar of Events - September, 2010

The following are some important dates that you want to remember for the month of September:
  • Tuesday, Sept 7: School opens; Grade 9s' homeroom will take place at 9:00 a.m.

  • Wednesday, Sept 8: September's lunch envelopes due

  • Monday, Sept 13: Photo Day (a.m. only)

  • Friday, Sept 17: Instructional Planning Period (IPP) - students report to school at 10:15 a.m. to their second period (2.2)

  • Wednesday, Sept 22: October's lunch envelopes due

  • Monday, Sept 27: Pro-D Day - school not in session

  • Monday, Sept 27 - Friday, Oct 1 - grade 9 mini school students to Strathcona

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

2010 - 2011 Calendar at a Glance

The following are some important dates and school closure times for the 2010 - 2011 school year. In addition to marking them down (if they have not been marked already) from your agenda book, you may also want to mark these days on your home's calendar as well.
  • School Opening Day: Tuesday, Sept 7
  • Instructional Planning Period (IPP): Friday, Sept 17 (students start day at 10:15 a.m.)
  • Pro-D Day: Monday, Sept 27
  • District Closure Day: Friday, Oct 8
  • Thanksgiving Day: Monday, Oct 11
  • IPP: Thursday, Oct 14 (students start day at 10:15 a.m.)
  • Pro-D Day: Friday, Oct 22
  • Remembrance Day: Thursday, Nov 11
  • District Closure Day: Friday, Nov 12
  • Parent/Teacher Conference: Wed, Nov 17 (students dismissed at 2:07 p.m.)
  • IPP: Thursday, Nov 18 (students start day at 10:15 a.m.)
  • Pro-D Day: Friday, Nov 26
  • Last Day of Instruction before break: Friday, Dec 17
  • Winter Vacation: Monday, Dec 20 to Friday, Dec 31
  • Christmas Day: Saturday, Dec 25
  • New Year's Day: Saturday, Jan 1, 2011
  • School re-opens: Tuesday, Jan 4
  • IPP: Thursday, Jan 13 (students start day at 10:15 a.m.)
  • Parent/Teacher Conference: Wednesday, Feb 9 (students dismissed at 2:07 p.m.)
  • IPP: Thursday, Feb 10 (students start day at 10:15 a.m.)
  • District Closure Days: Friday, Feb 11; Monday, Feb 14
  • Pro-D Day: Friday, Feb 18
  • IPP: Thursday, Mar 10 (students start day at 10:15 a.m.)
  • Spring Vacation: Monday, Mar 21 to Friday, Mar 25
  • District Closure Days: Mon, Mar 28 to Friday, Apr 1
  • IPP: Thursday, Apr 14
  • Good Friday: Friday, Apr 22
  • Easter Monday: Monday, Apr 25
  • Pro-D Day: Wednesday, May 11
  • IPP: Friday, May 13
  • District Closure Day: Friday, May 20
  • Victoria Day: Monday, May 23
  • Last full day of pupil attendance: Wednesday, Jun 29
  • Administrative/School closing day: Thursday, Jun 30

Monday, August 30, 2010

Timetable Change: Monday to Wednesday

Counsellors will be at work this week, Monday to Wednesday, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., to address any concerns regarding your timetable. The following lists the group(s) of students we will be assisting this week:
  • Monday, August 30: Students who have an incomplete timetable, and students whose courses will be different as a result of summer school courses
  • Tuesday, August 31: Any students who do not have a complete timetable (i.e. students with fewer than 8 courses scheduled)
  • Wednesday, September 1: Students who wish to have a course changed (counsellors will only be able to take requests at this time)
Please note: if you have passed a summer school remedial course, but have registered for the same course for the 2010 - 2011 year (e.g. you failed Math 8 last year, and then passed it in summer school, but have registered to repeat Math 8 in the 2010 - 2011 year), your course request for that course would have been removed by the administrators. Therefore, you must come in this week to see a counsellor to have your courses changed.

We are expecting a high number of students these three days, so I want to thank you in advance for your patience.

Bell Schedule for the 2010 - 2011 Year

Starting in 2010, all secondary schools in Vancouver will have a unified bell schedule. Because of this, Templeton's bell schedule will become different as well from the past. Please jot this information down:

Period 1: 8:35 - 10:00
Break: 10:00 - 10:15
Period 2: 10:15 - 11:40
Lunch: 11:40 - 12:25
Period 3: 12:25 - 1:44
Period 4: 1:49 - 3:07

Please note: The above schedule will be in place Monday to Friday. In other words, we will no longer have early dismissals on Fridays this school year.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Welcome Back!

Hello, grads of 2014. Welcome back to what I hope would be an exciting and rewarding year.

In case we haven't met already - my name is Mr. Leung, and I will be your counsellor this year, and probably until you graduate from Templeton in 2014! I can be found at the end of the counselling suite (Room 103F, if you need a room number) if you want to chat, or if you have any concerns over school, friends, and home. While some of you were a part of my grade 8 load last year, most of you will be working with me for the first time this year. I am looking forward for this opportunity.

There are quite a few ways you can contact me - feel free to browse this blog - I have listed at least 4 ways that you can get in touch with me...

So, before I sign off, I just want to say: for those of you who are new to Templeton, welcome to a wonderful school! For those of you who are returning, welcome back!