Thursday, December 15, 2011

January Lunch Passes

Just a reminder to all of you that the due date for submitting money for the January lunch passes is tomorrow, December 16. Please have your lunch envelopes ready, and submit them to the office before the end of the school day. Late submission may result in you not having your lunch pass when you come back from the break.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Student Christmas Lunch

Tickets for the student Christmas lunch will be on sale for $5 each starting today. The ticket's price is for students who are currently NOT on the lunch program. Students who are currently on the lunch program will get the meal free.

Tickets can be purchased from the office during break and lunch.

This year's Christmas lunch features turkey, the trimmings, and all other goodies. Be sure to purchase your ticket so you can join others in the celebration Thursday at lunch!

(disclaimer: the actual Christmas lunch may not look as shown in this picture...)

Monday, December 5, 2011

UBC TechTrek Saturday workshops

Are you interested in computer science? Technology? Robotics? UBC's department of computer science is offering free Saturday workshops for students in grades 8 to 12. For students in grades 11 and 12, you will hear presentations from the faculty and industry leaders, followed by lab demos and hands-on experiences. For students in grades 8 to 10, you will spend the morning with computer science experts; then, you will have a chance to practise your skills with games, robots, challenges, and more.

Guest speakers include experts from Electronic Arts, Pixar, Google, Microsoft, and so on. There will also be prizes giveaways: netbooks, video game consoles, i-Pods, and more!

Tech Trek is offering three Saturday workshops on January 21, March 3, and March 31. For registration, go to Tech Trek's website (click here). You can also e-mail Tech Trek at or call 604-822-9176. You can also like them on Facebook (click here).
If you like to learn about computer programming, or if you like building robots or designing games, TechTrek is can offer you some very interesting workshops! Register early - last year's seats were filled up FAST!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Annual Canned Food Drive

This year's annual canned food drive, called "The Canley Cup," will go from Monday, November 28 to Friday, December 13. Donated items have the following value:
  • cans up to 245g or mL - 1
  • cans up to 355g or mL - 2
  • cans up to 461g or mL - 3
  • cans up to 843g or mL - 4
  • cans over 843g or mL - 5
  • instant formula (g or mL) - as per above, but points are doubled
  • instant noodle (package or bowl) - half each
  • 1 diaper - half each
  • $1 cash donation - 3
Please give generously. This is a time where a lot of families struggle for their basic needs and necessities. Your generous donation can ensure that some of these families can at least have a respectable meal during the holiday seasons. Give not because you can win something, or because others are telling you to, but because it is the right thing to do.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Calendar of Events: December 2011

It is that time of the year, that season of sharing and giving. With just twelve days of school, a lot is happening. Here's a brief break-down of the important events this month:
  • Monday, Nov 28: The annual canned food drive begins (ends December 9)
  • Friday, Dec 2: Library is closed after school for decorating
  • Wednesday, Dec 7: Mini school winter celebration
  • Monday, Dec 12: The gingerbread house competition begins in the library
  • Tuesday, Dec 13: Reports sent home
  • Wednesday, Dec 14: Staff Christmas luncheon
  • Thursday, Dec 15 morning: Grad Christmas breakfast
  • Thursday, Dec 15 lunch: Student lunch
  • Friday, Dec 16: Christmas carnival; last day of classes for 2011
  • Friday, Dec 16: Lunch envelopes for January 2012 due today
  • Monday, Dec 19 to Friday, Dec 30: Winter Break
  • Sunday, Dec 25: Christmas Day!
Please be reminded that school will re-open on Tuesday, January 3, 2012.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Profession Day - Nov 25

We have a professional-development day tomorrow, Friday, November 25.

Please be reminded that tomorrow is a Day 1, not a Day 0. What that means is, when you return to school next Monday, November 28, it will be a Day 2.

Thanks, and have a restful and rewarding weekend - with term 1 winding down, it's your last opportunity to get caught up!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Volunteering Opportunity at Hastings Elementary

Hastings Elementary is looking for responsible students in grades 10 to 12 to assist in their Christmas dinner on December 1 (Thursday) from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Dinner will be provided - your main job would be to assist the clean-up process following dinner.

If you are interested, there is a sign-up form taped to the entrance of the counselling area. A brief meeting will take place after school Monday, November 28, in the office conference room for all candidates. For more information, please contact the community school office, or speak to me or any counsellor.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

School not in Session Nov 11, 14

This is just a reminder to you all that school will NOT be in session Friday, November 11 for Remembrance Day, and Monday, November 14 for a district closure Day.

Lest we forget...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Calendar of Events: November 2011

The following are some important dates for the month of November. In case you don't have your agenda handy, please write down these important dates:
  • Wednesday, Nov 2: Post-secondary Info Day for grades 11 and 12
  • Monday, Nov 7: Block Rotation - C-D-A-B (or 3-4-1-2)
  • Tuesday, Nov 8: Block Rotation - G-H-E-F (or 3-4-1-2)
  • Wednesday, Nov 9: Lock-down Drill at 11:20 a.m.
  • Thursday, Nov 10: Remembrance Day Assembly - Grade 10s meet in period 2.1 (3rd period)
  • Friday, Nov 11: Remembrance Day - school not in session
  • Monday, Nov 14: District Closure Day - school not in session
  • Thursday, Nov 17: Instructional Planning 8:35 - 9:55; students report at 10:00
  • Friday, Nov 25: Pro-D Day - students not in session
  • Wednesday, Nov 30: Last day of Term 1
The end of Term 1 is fast-approaching. If you have not been doing as well as you had hoped, there is still time to improve! Check with your teachers for assistance, come to the homework club Mondays and Wednesdays after school, go to math tutoring during lunch, or gather a group of friends to form a study group... whatever that works for you - it's time to get things going!

Monday, October 31, 2011

BASUS Survey

Some of you may remember the BASUS survey from last year. For those who do not remember, it is the BC Adolescent substance use survey, which pays you $25 in gift card every quarter for a survey that you fill out.

The BASUS survey is back, and you can go to BASUS' website (click here) to do the survey.

Gift cards can come in the form of Tim Hortons, Walmart, Amazon, or VISA. You would also have a chance to win an HD video camera.

Please note: the survey is sponsored by BASUS, and is completely voluntary.

Halloween Safety

Just a gentle reminder that fireworks, firecrackers, etc. are NOT allowed to be brought to the school for any reasons. Any violations of this will result in serious consequences.

Every year, many students are injured (sometimes seriously) from using firecrackers. No matter what activities you will be engaging tonight, please practise common sense and have safety in mind first.

Have a safe evening!

Friday, October 28, 2011

November's Bus Pass

The November bus passes have arrived! Please come by to my office before or after school, or during the break to pick it up.

I have noticed an increased number of you not coming to pick up your bus passes, and would wait until I deliver them to your class. Please note that it is extremely time-consuming for me to deliver the bus passes to you. If you do not come to pick them up, I would no longer be able to deliver them. And, if you do not need the bus pass to come to the school, the school may decide to NOT issue you the bus pass anymore.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Homework Club

For those of you in need of some support with your homework, or for those of you who just wish to have a designated time where you can get your homework done right after school (so you can have the evening to study, to exercise, to work, or to spend time with your family and friends), you can come to Templeton's all-new homework club.

The homework club will start 3:15 on Monday, October 24 in the library. You can get help with any work you have in any classes. Peer tutors will be available to provide 1-on-1 support. The club will run every Monday and Wednesday.

What is more? Drinks and cookies will be provided as well! Come check it out!

Monday, October 17, 2011

New Information on Government's Scholarships on the Provincial Exams

New information has just been released regarding the provincial scholarships for the mandatory provincial exams (English 10, Math 10, Science 10, Social Studies 11, and Language Arts 12).
  • Students must achieve at least a "B" (73% or above) FINAL MARK (a blended mark based on your school mark and provincial exam mark, weighed 60% and 40% respectively) in one of the Language Arts 12 course (English 12 or Communications 12)
  • Students must achieve at least one "A" (86% or higher) AND three "B"s (73% or higher) on four of their best provincial exams (you can use the Language Arts 12's provincial exam score as one of the four provincial exams used in the calculation)
  • The examination re-write rule will be relaxed for one year (now until August 31, 2012) to allow students to re-write a required exam to improve their scores. That is, if you have taken a provincial-examinable course already and did not do as well as you would have liked on the provincial exam, you may register to re-write that exam for a better score.
  • AP and most IB scores will no longer count towards the provincial scholarship.
For more information on the provincial exams and the provincial exam scholarships, please come to speak to me, or speak to one of the administrators.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Last day for course changes

We have just been informed that the last day for course changes is Thursday, September 29. Counsellors can still change a student's course schedule in extraordinary circumstances, but for general student course request changes, tomorrow is the last day.

We apologize for the short notice to this and for any inconvenience this may cause.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Information about Language Challenge Exams

We have just received information about the language challenge exams. For detailed information, please come by to see me. Here are the highlights of some key information:
  • Courses available for challenge: French 11/12, German 11/12, Korean 11/12, Punjabi 11/12, Mandarin 11/12 (traditional or simplified characters), Japanese 11/12, Spanish 11/12
  • Exam schedule: January 21, 2012 (Korean, Mandarin 11, Spanish, German), January 22, 2012 (French, Japanese, Punjabi), January 28 (Mandarin 12), January 29 (Mandarin 12)
  • Students need to be available between 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. that day for the exam
  • Fees: a refundable deposit of $50 that will be refunded on the day of the exam
  • Application due date: October 26, 2011 - completed application forms and application fees must be submitted to your counsellor on or before this date
Please note: the mark you receive from the challenge exam can be used as a course credit towards graduation and would fulfill the entrance requirement for post-secondary schools that require a language credit for a particular faculty or program. The exam's results CANNOT be used, however, towards calculation of post-secondary admission.

Detailed information of the challenge exams can be found on Delta School District's challenge exams website (click here). For the application package, please come to see me.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September's Instructional Planning Period

This is a reminder that the first instructional planning period (IPP) will take place this Friday, September 16. Unlike last year, during IPP, students will still have to go to all four of their classes. The bell schedule for IPP days will be different as well. Below is the bell schedule:

Staff only time: 8:35 - 9:55 a.m.
Break: 9:55 - 10:10 a.m.
Period 1 (Period 2.1, block E): 10:10 - 10:50 a.m.
Period 2 (Period 2.2, block F): 10:55 - 11:35 a.m.
Lunch: 11:35 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
Period 3 (Period 2.3, block G): 12:20 - 1:41 p.m.
Period 4 (Period 2.4, block H): 1:46 - 3:07 p.m.

Teachers will not be available during the IPP period, as they have department instructional planning meetings during that time.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Questions about online courses

Several students have asked about online courses. While I do not have the answers to all questions, here are some important answers that may be important to you:

Q: Where do I sign up for online courses?
A: The Vancouver Learning Network (VLN) is the school under the Vancouver School Board where online courses are offered. You can go to its website (click here) to learn more about online courses.

Q: How do I sign up for an online course?
A: When you are at VLN's website, click enrol. Then, click the "online registration link." You will be re-directed to a page where you would be asked to register for an online account as well as to choose your course(s).

Q: What do I need to have with me when I register?
A: Your provincial examination number (PEN) will be the most important piece of ID for the registration process. Your PEN, a 9-digit number, can be found on your report card. You would also need two e-mail addresses for the registration process.

Q: What will happen when I register for an online course?
A: All online courses begin with an orientation assignment. Your online course instructor will provide the information for you to complete this assignment. Once the orientation assignment is completed, you are officially in an online course.

Q: Does Templeton know how I am doing in my online course?
A: Templeton receives a term report from VLN advising us how Templeton students are doing with their VLN courses. In these reports, we are told the portion of the course that you have completed, and your mark from the completed sections of your course.

Q: Are there tests/exams for these online courses?
A: Most online courses have tests and exams. Exams are generally written on site at the VLN office, which is located at John Oliver Secondary.

Q: What if I decide to withdraw from an online course?
A: You need to notify your online course instructor, and follow the withdrawing process. A "W" will be given for courses you have withdrawn from in your transcript.

Q: How much time do I have to complete an online course?
A: From the time you start the course, you have one year to complete the course. As I mentioned before, if you wish to use a VLN course as a prerequisite for a course you want to take at Templeton, you must have completed that prerequisite course prior to enrollment.

For more information, you can visit the FAQ page from VLN (click here).

Monday, August 29, 2011

New Timetable and Bell Schedule

A new bell schedule will be in place for the 2011 - 2012 school year. Below is the new bell schedule:

Period 1: 8:35 - 9:55 a.m.
Break: 9:55 - 10:10 a.m.
Period 2: 10:10 - 11:35 a.m.
Lunch: 11:35 - 12:20
Period 3: 12:20 - 1:41
Period 4: 1:46 - 3:07

Basically, the morning classes have been shortened, and afternoon classes extended, so that all classes are the same length now.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Counsellor Days

The counsellors will be in their respective offices next week from Monday to Wednesday dealing with student timetable issues. Counsellors will be in from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. each day.

Because of the large number of students who may need course changes, there are strict restrictions as to who we can see:

Monday, August 29: Only students who have received an incomplete timetable, with fewer than 8 courses, and those who have successfully completed a summer school course (thus changing what course(s) you need to take) may come in.

Tuesday, August 30: Our priority would still be to help students with incomplete timetables and/or those who have completed summer school courses. Students who wish to make course changes (e.g. wanting to drop drama to take foods) may come in to write down your course change REQUESTS.

Wednesday, August 31: International students, as well as students who wish to make course changes, may come in.

Please note: We must make sure all students have a completed timetable first. Course change requests are fulfilled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Because different courses are filling up differently, you may not be able to get a course that you want.

Thank you very much for your patience, everyone. I hope very few of you would have to see me, but if you do, pardon me in advance for being stressed out... it IS that time of the year where things are completely crazy.

Monday, May 30, 2011

June's Bus Pass

June's bus passes have arrived. You can come to my office at your convenience to pick yours up.

There has been an increased number of students reporting of lost or stolen bus passes. Please be extra careful with your bus pass, just like any other valuable possessions such as your i-pod or wallet. The school has a very limited number of bus tickets that can only be issued to students in case of emergency. I will not be able to give you bus tickets on a regular basis if you were issued a bus pass, and then misplace or lose it.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Library Circulation Closed

Today is the last day library books can be borrowed out. All library books must be returned by the end of the school day tomorrow, Friday, May 27. The library will be doing its inventory starting next week. This means, while you can still use the library for quiet study time, for homework, and for research, circulation is closed.

Notices will be sent out starting next week for students who have overdue books. Not returning your overdue books can result in you not receiving your yearbook and/or report card, so please check to ensure that you do not have any outstanding books.

Please be reminded also that the library will be closed all day next Monday, May 30. It will re-open Tuesday, May 31.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

August Provincial Exams

The Vancouver School Board will establish an examination centre at the VSB Education Office for VSB students who are not registered for summer school, but wish to write one of the REQUIRED provincial exams in August. An example would be students who will be absent during the June provincial exam period, but need to write the required provincial exam(s) such as Science 10, social studies 11, English 12, etc.

An application form can be completed the the Education Centre, located at the summer school office in the VSB Building:
The Vancouver School Board Education Centre
Summer School Office - Ground Floor
1580 West Broadway

Applications will be accepted from May 30 to July 12, Mondays through Fridays between 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Students must present two documents to the summer school staff to have their applications accepted. They include:
  • A VSB-issued report card for the 2010/2011 year
  • A student picture ID from the school that issues the report card
The subjects where required provincial exams need to be written include: English 10, Apprenticeship and workplace math 10, Foundations of Math and Pre-calculus 10, Principles of Math 10, Science 10, Social studies 11, English 12, Communications 12, and BC First Nations Studies 12.

If you have any further questions, please come to see me.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

District Closure Day - May 20

Just a reminder to all students that tomorrow, Friday, May 20 is a district closure day. School will NOT be in session. School will also be closed Monday, May 23, for Victoria Day.

Enjoy your 4-day weekend, everyone. When we come back Tuesday, May 24, it will be a Day 2.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

June's Lunch Envelopes Due

A friendly reminder to all students that lunch envelopes for the month of June are due tomorrow, Thursday, May 19. Completed envelopes need to be submitted to the collection box in the office, or you will risk not being issued a lunch envelope in June.

For students who require assistance in payment, please contact Mr. Mustapich.

As staff and students are very busy taking care of various year-end activities and functions, it is very important that you submit your lunch envelope on time.

If you have any questions and/or concerns, please don't hesitate to come and see me.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Student Council Nomination Forms

Students who wish to run for a position on the student council next year (2011 - 2012), the application forms are now available. You can pick it up from either Ms. Nanda (Room 101), Mr. Wong (Room 303), or from your grade counsellor (that would be me!).

To be an eligible candidate, you must follow these criteria below:
  • 2.0 GPA with no failures
  • signature of 5 students who are eligible to vote (e.g. if you are running to be a grade 10 rep, only current grade 9 students can sign your nomination form)
  • signature of your grade counsellor
  • signatures of all your teachers
  • signature of an administrator (Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Mustapich, or Ms. Ward)
  • fill out a half-page statement explaining why you are running for student council
Completed applications must be returned to Ms. Nanda no later than Tuesday, May 31 at lunch.

Speeches and voting will take place Thursday, June 2.

Summer School Calendar is here

The summer school calendar has been published and delivered.

Please come to the counsellor's suite to pick up your paper copy. You can also go to Vancouver School Board's Continuing Education website (click here) to see what courses are offered.

For secondary students, there are three different types of courses that are offered at nine different locations.

Remedial courses are for students who did not successfully pass a course, and need to receive remedial support to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a course and to acquire course credits. Remedial courses go from July 5 to 29, and are offered at Gladstone, John Oliver, Prince of Wales, Point Grey, and David Thompson.

Completion courses are for students who have never taken a course before, but wish to take the course to acquire course credit. Courses go from July 5 to August 12 and are offered at 7 different locations: Churchill, John Oliver, Magee, Gladstone, Prince of Wales, Point Grey, and David Thompson.

Preview courses are for students who want to get a head start in a course they are planning to take in September of 2011. Teachers will teach students some of the fundamental concepts they are expected to master during the regular school year. Please note: preview courses are non-credit courses - completion of a preview course would not give students a grade nor course credit. They run from July 5 to 29, and are offered at five schools: Churchill, Gladstone, Prince of Wales, Point Grey, and David Thompson.

Registration for summer courses begin Wednesday, May 25. In order to register, you must have your provincial examination number (PEN) handy. To find your PEN, it is a 9-digit number you can locate it on the top left corner of your report card. You can register online, by phone, by fax, in person at the school board office (1580 West Broadway), or through mail. For more information, you can visit for more details.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Final Grade 9 Immunization Clinic

The final grade 9 immunization clinic will take place Tuesday morning during first and second period. Students will be called down to the auditorium through the PA system. Nurses and volunteers will assist you in the process.

The immunization clinic is for grade 9 girls only. Consent forms need to be returned before you receive your immunization. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Ward for details.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Instructional Planning Period

Just a reminder that there will be an instructional planning period on Friday, May 13, during first period.

Students are to report to their second period class at 10:15.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Reminder: non-instructional day

Just a reminder that Wednesday, May 11, is a non-instructional day - classes will not be in session.

When you return Thursday, May 12, it will be a day 2.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Calendar of Events (May, 2011)

Oh, how we long for the good weather! While April 2011 proved to be one of the coolest, wettest April this city has ever had, we can always hope the weather will drastically improve for the month of May. Below are some important dates for you to remember for the second last school month of the year:
  • Monday, May 2: Federal Election - the small gym will be used as the polling station
  • Tuesday, May 3: Elementary Band Night
  • Wednesday and Thursday, May 4 and 5: Cinco de Mayo
  • Thursday, May 5: District-wide earthquake drill at 2:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, May 11: Non-instructional day: school not in session
  • Thursday, May 12: School resumes on a Day 2
  • Friday, May 13: Instructional Planning Period; students begin school at 10:15
  • Tuesday, May 17: Grade 9 Immunization Clinic
  • Thursday, May 19: June's lunch envelopes due
  • Friday, May 20: District closure day - school not in session
  • Monday, May 23: Victoria Day - school not in session
  • Wednesday, May 25: Registration begins for face-to-face summer school courses
  • Thursday, May 26: Spring Dance
  • Friday, May 27: Keep Vancouver Spectacular
  • Monday, May 30: Library closed for inventory
  • Tuesday, May 31: Last round of interim reports sent home
The end of the school year is fast-approaching. If you are struggling in a course, it is important that you talk to your teacher ASAP to find out how you can catch up. There is still time, but time is running out. Please see me at any time if I can be of assistance.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Out of Office Notice: April 27

I'm sorry, but I am not feeling well today, and thus would not be in school today. For assistance, please see Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Mark, or Ms. Foster. For emergencies, please contact an administrator, or any office staff.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


This is a reminder that school will NOT be in session for Good Friday (Friday, April 22) and Easter Monday (Monday, April 25). Happy Easter, everyone!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

May's Lunch Envelopes Due

Lunch envelopes for the month of May are due Thursday, April 21. Please have your completed lunch envelopes ready, and drop them off at the box in the main office.

Late submissions may result in you not having a lunch card on May 2. Please submit your lunch envelopes as soon as possible.

Hot lunches for the month cost $70. For students in families with financial difficulties, a $35 fee is recommended. If you have any questions, please talk to me, or Mr. Mustapich, the vice principal in charge of the school lunch program.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Summer School Math Courses Offered

The summer school office has just announced the math courses that will be offered this summer. Please note: these are face-to-face summer school courses that will be offered at various school sites. For online courses with VLN, registration has begun and you can register by going to VLN's website (click here).

Summer school courses fall in three different categories, and for each category, the courses offered are different:

Preview courses: for students who want to learn the key concepts and get a head start on a course they will be taking in the fall. Please note: preview courses are NON-CREDIT courses. Completion of a preview course does NOT give you the course credit. Math courses offered this summer include:
  • Math 8 and 9
  • Foundations of Math and Pre-calculus 10
  • Pre-calculus 11
  • Foundations of Math 11
Completion courses: for students who wish to obtain course credits. Students taking completion courses usually have a heavy academic load, and use the completion courses to lighten your load in the fall. Courses offered this summer include:
  • Foundations of Math and Pre-calculus 10
  • Apprenticeship & Workplace Math 10
  • Principles of Math 11 (please note: this course will no longer be offered in September 2011)
  • Principles of Math 12
  • Calculus 12
Remedial courses: these are courses offered for students who have taken the course, but are receiving a unsatisfactory mark that need to be improved, either for the purpose of taking the next level course, or to obtain permission to take a more challenging course. Courses include:
  • Math 8 and 9
  • Foundations of Math and Pre-calculus 10
  • Apprenticeship & Workplace Math 10
  • Principles of Math 11 (please note: this course will no longer be offered in September 2011)
To register for summer school courses, call 604-713-4550 or register online with the VSB (click here). To register online, you must have your provincial examination number (PEN), which can be found on your report card. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Note about Course Requests

Quite a few students have come in to ask me about course requests for the 2011 - 2012 school year. Here are the answers to a few of your more common questions:
  • Can I change a course request right now? - Yes, you may! Please discuss with your parents/guardians, and if an agreement is reached that you should choose a different course from what you have initially requested, come by to see me, and I will change the course request for you.
  • I have heard about a course that seems interesting, can I learn more about it? - Absolutely! You can come by to ask me and I will do my best to answer your questions on a specific course. Alternately, you can ask the teacher(s) who teach the course you are interested in to find out what a course has to offer.
  • Can I change my mind about a course in September? - Generally speaking, the first week of school is reserved for students with incomplete timetables. Switching courses for students who are given a full timetable would not occur until all students are given a complete timetable. If you know you want to sign up for a different course, it's best to notify me now rather than September.
  • I want to be in the same class as my friend, can you arrange that? - Unfortunately, I cannot do that. The student information system, BCeSIS, generates the timetables of students to ensure every student would be placed in courses they have requested for. The system does not attempt to place students in the same class as their friends.
  • What about summer school classes? Can I take summer school classes to "get ahead?" - Yes, you may. To allow timetable builders to build the most workable timetable for staff and students, counsellors would appreciate if you can tell us ahead of time what course(s) you are planning to take in the summer.
  • If I fail a course this year, does that affect my course request for next year? - If the course you fail is a pre-requisite for a course you have requested, it will obviously affect your course requests. At the end of the school year, counsellors would review the list for course failures, and your course requests would be adjusted accordingly.
  • What if I fail a course right now, but pass the remedial course during summer school? - In the final week of the summer break, counsellors will be in their office changing students' timetables based on summer school results. When you have passed a remedial course in the summer, bring your report card into the counsellors' office, and we will change your timetable.
Please come by to see me if you have any further questions.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Instructional Planning Period

This is a reminder that there will be an instructional planning period (IPP) tomorrow morning, April 14 (Thursday). As a result, students will NOT have to report to their first period class (2.4, or block H). School will begin at 10:15 with students reporting to their 2.3 (or block G) class.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Block Rotation Reminder

Please be reminded that, next Monday, blocks will rotate for the final time this school year.

For Day 1, blocks will go 4-3-2-1. That is, you will have periods 1.4, 1.3, 1.2, and then 1.1 (or blocks D-C-B-A in the old A to H block format).

For Day 2, blocks will go 4-3-2-1. That is, periods 2.4, 2.3, 2.2, and 2.1 (or blocks H-G-F-E in the old A to H block format).

Please review your timetable carefully, and don't go to the wrong class Monday morning!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grade Assembly

A friendly reminder that there will be a grade assembly during the second period (period 2.1 or block E) for grade 9 students tomorrow, Friday, April 8.

During this assembly, I will tell you about registration for summer school online courses. I will also give you an update to the course request process. Ms. Ward will tell you about the principal's list and honour roll students for term 2, and Constable Avelar will give you an update on some of the issues regarding student safety.

If you are going to miss the assembly, please come by to my office so I can update you with any important information that may be of interest to you. Thank you.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Calendar of Events (April, 2011)

Welcome back, everyone! I hope you have had a restful and rewarding two weeks. Before you know it, it is April, and if previous years are any type of an indicator, time after spring break will be flying by very, very quickly. Before you know it, it will be the end of this school year, and we'd be off for the summer!

But before that, there are two months and a half left of school we need to work hard for. Below is a calendar of some of the important dates in April:
  • April 4 (Monday) - School re-opens. Please be reminded that this will be a Day 2
  • April 6 (Wednesday) - Dinner concert
  • April 7 and 8 (Thursday and Friday) - 30-hour famine
  • April 11 and 12 (Monday and Tuesday) - Final block rotation: 4-3-2-1
  • April 12 (Tuesday) - PAC meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
  • April 13 (Wednesday) - Math contests, fashion show @ 6:00 p.m.
  • April 14 (Thursday) - Instructional Planning - school begins at 10:00 for students; Grade 7 conference
  • April 20 (Wednesday) - Spring Fling: 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
  • April 21 (Thursday) - May's lunch envelopes due
  • April 22 (Friday) - Good Friday - school not in session
  • April 25 (Monday) - Easter Monday - school not in session
  • April 27 (Wednesday) - Talent Show @ 7:00 p.m.
  • April 28 (Thursday) - Jean's Day

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Information for VLN Summer School

This information has just been forwarded to me from Vancouver Learning Network (VLN) regarding summer school courses VLN offers.
Registration for VLN summer school will open April 5 at 9:00 a.m. and will close on July 4 at 9:00 a.m. What is extremely important for students to know is that if the course you are registering for is a pre-requisite for a course you are planning to take in September 2011, then the summer school course MUST BE COMPLETED by August 11 at 9:00 a.m. The drop box for assignments will close August 8 at 9:00 a.m..

To illustrate the above with an example: let's say you wish to take social studies 11 in September 2011 at the school, and are signing up to take social studies 10 with VLN during the summer, you must submit all of your assignments to VLN before August 8 at 9:00 a.m., and the course itself must be completed by August 11. Failure to do so would mean you will not be given a report card needed by Templeton that would allow you to be registered for Social Studies 11.

Another important piece of information given to us is that in order to pass a course, every assignment in the course must be attempted and submitted, regardless of what you have gotten in previous assignments. For example, if there are 10 required assignments for a course, and you have received 90% for nine of them, you still must attempt and submit your tenth assignment in order to pass the course. Students who have not attempted all assignments in a course will fail the course.
If you have any questions regarding this, please don't hesitate to come and see me.

For further information, you can also check VLN's website (click here).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Instructional Planning Period

This is a reminder to all students that there is an instructional planning period (IPP) Thursday, March 10. Teachers will be meeting from 8:35 to 10:00. Students are to report to school after 10:00 a.m. You will be reporting to your second period at 10:15.

April's Lunch Envelopes Due

Lunch envelopes for the month of April are due Wednesday, March 9. Please have your completed lunch envelopes ready, and drop them off at the box in the main office.

Late submissions may result in you not having a lunch card when you return from spring break. Please submit your lunch envelopes as soon as possible. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Term 2 Ends March 9

This is a reminder that term 2 will officially end tomorrow, March 9. If you have outstanding assignments from teachers, please see them IMMEDIATELY and make the necessary arrangements to have them submitted.

Good luck!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tribute to Ms. Ho

On International Women's Day, March 8, 2011, the late Ms. Ho will be honoured by the City of Vancouver and the Park Board as one of this year's Remarkable Women. This distinction is awarded to influential community builders, recognizing those that have made major contributions to the dynamic vitality of Vancouver.

The theme of this year's selection of remarkable women is to recognize community builders whose work help build a strong and vibrant city. The recipients of this award are women from diverse backgrounds and abilities, and represent a commitment to improve their communities through volunteerism, hard work, advocacy, and a passionate dedication to change for the good of everyone.

Since 1973, Ms. Ho has worked hard to promote good-will and multiculturalism through the performing arts. The Strathcona Chinese Dance Company Ms. Ho found has grown into a world-renown dance troupe, touring around the world, and performing for many dignitaries. Ms. Ho had also taught mathematics and Mandarin at Templeton for 13 years.

A reception open to the public will be held at Creekside Community Centre from 7 to 9 p.m. to celebrate the achievements of Ms. Ho and 11 other remarkable women.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Course Planning Request Forms

A gentle reminder to all of you that the course planning forms need to be handed in to me no later than Friday, March 4. Once your request forms are in, I need to check your course requests for accuracy. With close to 200 of you, the process would take a significant amount of time.

Course requests need to be entered into the school's student information system before we leave for spring break. Having students' course requests entered correctly and in a timely fashion will help the timetable committee determine properly what courses will/will not run, and how many section(s) for each course needs to be run. Your cooperation in this process is not only appreciated by the school, but it is also of your best interests as well.

If you are having trouble choosing your courses, or if you still have questions to ask me about courses for next year, please do not hesitate to come in to see me as soon as possible. Thanks!

(Let's hope I don't have to get all enraged like the picture above to have all of your forms back... )

Calendar of Events (March, 2011)

As the snow clears, spring is just around the corner, and life is about to kick into a boom. In school, term 2 will be ending soon, and, after the spring break, it will be the home stretch to the finish line. This is a difficult time of the school year in the sense that we are all a little tired but are not close enough to the finish line to tell ourselves "it's almost there." But hang in there, time DOES go by very fast - before you know it, the 2010 - 2011 year will be over.

Below are some important dates for March 2011:
  • Mar 1 to 4 (Tue to Fri): Theatre/Film Night
  • Mar 4 (Fri): Grade 7 Applications due
  • Mar 4 (Fri): Grade 9 Course Request forms due at my office
  • Mar 8 (Tue): PAC Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
  • Mar 9 (Wed): End of Term 2 (for attendance)
  • Mar 10 (Thu): Instructional Planning Period - students begin classes at 10:00
  • Mar 10 (Thu): Fine Arts 8 Rotation to the 3rd component
  • Mar 10 - 11 (Thu - Fri): 30-hour famine
  • Mar 11 (Fri): Term 2 Marks due
  • Mar 14 - 16 (Mon - Wed): Grade 9 students entering their course requests for grade 10 in the computer lab (I will pull you out of your math class to complete this)
  • Mar 15 (Tue): Canadian National Math League; First Nations family night (5:00 p.m.)
  • Mar 16 (Wed): Grade 10 Health Fair - display tables available for all students during lunch time
  • Mar 18 (Fri): Last day of classes before spring break - term 2 report cards issued
  • Mar 19 - 27: Spring Break
  • Mar 28 - Apr 1 (Mon - Fri): District Closure Days - school not in session

Monday, February 28, 2011

March's bus passes

March's bus passes have arrived. You can come to my office at your convenience to pick yours up.

Students may request for a bus pass if they a) are in a distract program; b) live more than 4.8 km from the school, and c) have a financial need. A proof of address and documentation supporting financial need must accompany an application for a bus pass. If you have submitted an application for a buss pass but are not receiving one, please see Mr. Mustapich. If you wish to obtain an application form for a bus pass, please come by my office to obtain one.

There has been a growing concern of students losing their bus passes and wanting the school to replace them. Unfortunately, the school is NOT able to replace a lost bus pass. Like other personal properties, it is your responsibility to take good care of your bus passes.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Course Planning 2011: FAQs

Below are the top 10 common questions that students have asked me during course planning sessions. After each question you can find a brief answer - for more details, please don't hesitate to come in and see me. Thanks!

Question #1: Can I take Planning 10 online?
Answer: The short answer is: yes. Keep in mind, taking online courses require tremendous discipline. Do not sign up for planning 10 online because you think it will be "easier;" instead, sign up for planning 10 online only because you and your parents feel this would be a more suitable educational option for you to acquire the credit for this graduation requirement course.

Question #2: Can I take other online courses and/or summer school courses to "get ahead?"
Answer: Yes. Vancouver Learning Network (or VLN) as well as summer school offer credited courses for students in grades 10, 11, and 12 that may not be offered here at Templeton. Students take credited courses for a variety of reasons, including "getting ahead." Discuss with your teachers, your family, and myself for your best educational options.

Question #3: Can I get a "spare block" if I am taking an online course, or if I have completed a summer school course?
Answer: No. Students in grades 8 to 11 are expected to take a full course load (i.e. 8 courses) at Templeton. Students in grade 12 with a heavy academic load may request for a study block.

Question #4: Which of the two math 10 courses should I sign up for?
Answer: The two math options both fulfill the math 10 requirement for graduation. Your choice for your math 10 course may have post-secondary implications. Your math teacher would have a better idea which math course would be more suitable for you. You may also use summer school courses to keep your options open - please see me or your math teacher for details.

Question #5: Do I need to take a language course in order to graduate?
Answer: There are no language requirements for graduation. Credits earned from language courses can be used towards your elective credits. Some post-secondary schools require students to complete a modern language class up to the grade 11 level. It is important for you to find out what the admission requirements are for the specific program(s) you are interested in.

Question #6: I want to take more elective courses - what do I need to do?
Answer: Templeton offers a number of outside-the-timetable courses that you can take before or after school as an additional elective. If you are taking (or have completed) one of the required grade 10 courses (e.g. Planning 10) online or during summer school, you would have one more slot for an elective course.

Question #7: Do I need to sign up for a course if I am planning to take the course in the summer or online?
Answer: Generally speaking, I would suggest all students to sign up for courses that they require. When you have completed a summer school/online course, I can change your timetable based on your summer school/VLN report card.

Question #8: Can I sign up for PE 10 Boys/Girls AND PE 10 - Outdoor Education (MPE--10YOE) at the same time?
Answer: No. Since the outdoor education option would give you PE 10 credit, you only need to sign up for either PE10B/G OR PE 10-YOE, not both.

Question #9: I don't know what I want to do after graduation yet. What courses should I be selecting?
Answer: Many of us are not sure what we want to do in the future. Try to identify area(s) that you are interested in, and keep as many options open as possible, for as long as you can. That said, you can always go back and take additional credited courses (online, summer school) to "make up."

Question #10: Can I change my choices for electives?
Answer: Yes. But please consider your choices for elective courses carefully before choosing them. Once all student requests are entered, the school would determine the actual number of blocks to assign for each course. Late changes may result in you not being able to take a course that is full.

Course Planning 2011: Math 10 Options

As a result of changes made to the math curriculum, students heading into grade 10 now have two different math courses to which they can choose from: Apprenticeship & Workplace Mathematics 10 (MAWM-10), or Foundations of Mathematics & Pre-calculus 10 (MFMP-10).

Apprenticeship & Workplace Mathematics 10 (MAWM-10) is generally the course that students who are currently in Math 9 Adapted would take in their grade 10 year. Students in Math 9 regular may be recommended by their teachers to take this math course. The curriculum of this course can be considered "less challenging" than Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-calculus 10, and focuses on mathematical applications in one's daily life and work. The course naturally leads to Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 11. Together, these two courses would satisfy the mathematics requirements for graduation.

Foundations of Mathematics & Pre-calculus 10 (MFMP-10) is generally the course that students who are currently in Math 9 and Math 8 Challenge would take. This common course splits into Foundations of Mathematics 11 and Pre-calculus 11 at the grade 11 level, and, depending on the specific program requirements, are required for post-secondary admission (please check with the post-secondary institutions for details on admission requirements, which may change regularly).

Math teachers will be making recommendations to counsellors regarding course recommendations in mathematics. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any concerns.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Course Planning 2011: New Courses

There are several new courses that are offered for students entering grade 10 next year.

Basic Car Care 11: Open to students in grades 10 to 12, this is a general interest course directed towards anyone with limited knowledge about cars. The course will deal more with the maintenance rather than the repair of your car, and may be of special interest to those who are thinking about purchasing a vehicle. Topics covered in this class includes: vehicle ownership, maintenance practices, power train, body and chassis, as well as electrical and electronic systems. For more information, please contact Mr. Cameron.

Astronomy 11: This course is an introduction to astronomical techniques, theories and features in the universe. Topics covered include: night sky observation, solar system components, stellar and planetary formation, evolution and classifications of stars, star clusters and black holes, galaxy structure and formation, extraterrestrial life, etc. The course has a significant math component in it. Students considering signing up for this course should have completed science 10 and foundations of math and pre-calculus 10, or should at least be taking these courses concurrently. For more information, please contact Mr. Hengeveld.

PE 10 - Outdoor Education Option: This course gives students the physical education 10 credit required for graduation. The emphasis of the course is to introduce students to alternative physical activities outside of traditional PE programs, with an additional focus on environment and sustainability. Activities in the course include: backpacking, kayaking, orienteering, rock climbing, Nordic skiing, snowshoeing, trail running, etc. A willingness to be in the outdoors is a requirement for admission. Students must be willing to challenge their physical and emotional self. For more information, please contact Mr. Kuniss.