Monday, January 31, 2011

Calendar of Events (February, 2011)

Time sure flies. One year ago, Vancouver was excitedly awaiting the commencement of the Winter Olympics. We were then greeted to 17 days of excitement and fun. Who would forget Quatchi, Sumi and Miga roaming on the streets while people rooted for Mukmuk to become an official mascot? Who could forget the tears we shred for the incredible resilience and determination of Joannie Rochette, and the screams we shouted when Sidney Crosby scored the overtime winner to bring home the hockey gold?

Well, that was then, and this is now (sorry for the long wind-up). Below is a list of important dates for February 2011:
  • Feb 1 (Tue): Mini P.A.C. meeting at 7:00 p.m.
  • Feb 3 (Thu): Chinese New Year - Kung Hei Fat Choy!
  • Feb 3 (Thu): Parent-teacher interview forms due at 10:00 a.m.
  • Feb 6 (Sun): Chinese New Year Parade
  • Feb 7 - Feb 10 (Mon - Thu): Grade 8 Spirit Week
  • Feb 8 (Tue): P.A.C. Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
  • Feb 9 (Wed): Parent-teacher conference; students are dismissed at 2:07 p.m.
  • Feb 10 (Thu): Instruction Planning Period; students begin classes at 10:15 a.m.
  • Feb 11, Feb 14 (Fri, Mon): District Closure Day - school not in session
  • Feb 17 (Thu): March's lunch envelopes due
  • Feb 18 (Fri): Non-instructional day - school not in session
  • Feb 22 (Tue): Canadian National Math League
  • Feb 23 (Wed): Pink shirt day
  • Feb 24 (Thu): Math contests

Friday, January 28, 2011

Parent-teacher Interviews

Along with the package containing the newsletter and interim report(s) that was a form for parent-teacher interviews.

The second parent-teacher interviews of this school year will take place Wednesday, February 9, 2011 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the cafeteria and library. Parents who request an appointment for an interview with teachers are asked to return the appointment form to the school office by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 3. The school would also accept a fax copy of the form. Please fax the form to the school at 604-713-8983.

Interview appointment schedule will be given to students on Tuesday, February 8.

Interim Reports, Parent-Teacher Forms

A reminder to parents that a package was sent home today during homeroom. In the package should be the school's January newsletter, a parent-teacher interview form for the parent-teacher interviews on February 9, and, where applicable, interim reports from courses your teacher(s) had written a report to send home.

If you believe there is an error in any of the interim reports, please contact first your class teacher, and then, me. The interim reports are sent in hope to remind students who may need a little nudge to re-focus, or just to communicate with parents/guardians about concerns that teachers have. Please feel free to drop by to see me if you have any concerns. Parents who have questions regarding the interim reports can e-mail me or call me (my contact info can be found on the side panel of this student blog).

Thanks, and have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

February's Bus Passes

February's bus passes have arrived. You can come to my office at your convenience to pick yours up.

Students may request for a bus pass if they a) are in a distract program; b) live more than 4.8 km from the school, and c) have a financial need. A proof of address and documentation supporting financial need must accompany an application for a bus pass. If you have submitted an application for a buss pass but are not receiving one, please see Mr. Mustapich. If you wish to obtain an application form for a bus pass, please come by my office to obtain one.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Out of Office Notice: Jan 26 and 27

I will not be in my office Wednesday and Thursday, January 26 and 27 as I will be conducting mini-school interviews as well as assisting in teaching guidance classes with Heather Charlton, our school's prevention counsellor.

If you need to find me, I will be in my office during lunch and after school. A detailed schedule listing which classes I will be going to is posted on my office's door. If you really need to find me, use that schedule to locate me.

For general assistance, please look for any of the counsellors in the counselling suite. You can also find one of the administrators, or an office staff during emergencies.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Block Rotation Reminder

This is just a reminder that our third block rotation will be in effect tomorrow, Wednesday, January 26.

For day 1 classes, blocks will go 2-1-4-3. That is, in "blocks" term, B-A-D-C. For day 2 classes, blocks will also go 2-1-4-3 (that is, F-E-H-G).

So, on Wednesday morning, please go to your 1.2 class (or Block B class).

If you are not 100% sure where you should be going from class to class, please check with me or any of the counsellors. The office staff would also be happy to assist you, if you have your timetable with you.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Unclaimed Electronics

The office has a number of unclaimed electronics (cell phones, MP3 players, etc.) waiting to be claimed. If you are one of these items may belong to you, come and see one of the office staff before Friday, January 28. All items unclaimed by the end of January 28 will be donated to the music fundraiser for recycling on Monday, January 31.

Homework/Tutoring Club at Hastings Community Center

Hastings Community Centre (HCC) has a team of volunteers from UBC and SFU who are willing to assist you in your homework!

The homework/tutoring club will run every Tuesday from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at Hastings Community Centre (3096 East Hastings, Vancouver). For more information, call Hastings Community Centre directly at 604-718-6222 for details.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

VSB Ready Reference 2011

The 2011 Ready Reference booklet contains the contact information of all VSB schools, adult education centres, district facilities, and district staff. It is a very handy piece of resource for students and parents.

This year's copy of the Ready Reference will not be printed in an effort to reduce our wastes and to promote sustainability. An electronic version of the Ready Reference, however, can be downloaded in the .pdf format from Vancouver School Board's website.

Click here to download the 2011 Ready Reference

Click here to download the free adobe reader

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

February's Lunch Envelopes Due

Lunch envelopes for the month of February are due Friday, January 21. Please have your completed lunch envelopes ready, and drop them off at the box in the main office.

Late submissions may result in you not having a lunch card on February 1. Please submit your lunch envelopes as soon as possible.

Hot lunches for the month cost $70. For students in families with financial difficulties, a $35 fee is recommended. If you have any questions, please talk to me, or Mr. Mustapich, the vice principal in charge of the school lunch program.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reminder: non-instructional day

Just a reminder to all students that Wednesday, January 19, will be a non-instructional day at Templeton. School will NOT be in session.

Please also note that students are not allowed to visit friends from other schools when their own school is not in session. All legitimate visitors must report to the school's office and obtain permission first.

Use your non-instructional day wisely. Get some rest, and get caught up on assignments/reviews that you should have completed earlier. See you on Thursday!

Monday, January 17, 2011

CBC's Teens Against Gangs (T.A.G.) Video Contest

CBC has a video contest for grade 8 to 12 students to produce a video advocating against gang violence. The contest is called Teens Against Gangs (T.A.G.). Cash prizes of $1000 and $250 are available. Your video may also be shown during the CBC Vancouver newscast!

All you have to do is to create a 30-second YouTube-friendly video and upload it to your YouTube account. After uploading your video, invite your friends to view it (on YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter). The producer of the most-viewed video would also win a cash prize!

Consent forms, application forms, contest rules, and other details of the contest can be found on CBC's T.A.G. video contest's website (click here)

The deadline of this contest has been extended to Monday, February 28, 2011.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Grade 9 Immunization Clinic (January)

This is a reminder to all grade 9 students that the second immunization clinic will take place next Tuesday, January 18, starting at 8:35 in the morning. The clinic is expected to end its session some time before lunch time at 11:40 a.m.

If you have any questions about the immunization clinic, please contact Ms. Ward for further details. Thanks.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Instruction Planning Period

Just a reminder to all students that Thursday, January 13 will be our first instructional planning period (IPP) of 2011. Teachers will report to school at the usual time, but students will not have classes until the second period (period 2.4 or Block H) at 10:15.

Enjoy the extra 100 minutes of rest and/or work time that you have!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Green Choice Career Forum

Are you considering a career in sustainability?

The YWCA Vancouver High School Mentorship Program is hosting the Green Choice Forum for grades 9 to 12 girls interested in sustainability and environment-related careers. Nine professional women working in careers that help protect our planet will be available to speak to you about what they do on topics including:
  • government policy and law
  • education and advocacy
  • green event planning
  • science and engineering
  • business
  • eco design
This free forum will take place on Friday, April 16 from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the YWCA Program Centre (4th floor, 535 Hornby Street, Vancouver). Admission is FREE and DINNER IS INCLUDED! However, spaces are limited, so you need to register early.

To register, e-mail, or call 604-895-5846.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Social Media

Welcome back, everybody! I hope you have had a restful break, and are all excited for the new year.

You may or may not know this yet, but computers in Vancouver's public school actually have access to social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter right now. Of course, while classes are in session, you are not supposed to be spending your time checking out your friends' pictures from the weekend on Facebook, or following the latest news of your favourite athlete on Twitter. However, social media networks do allow for people to obtain instantaneous information, and allow for people from all over the world to connect, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I have used Facebook and Twitter for quite a while now in relaying important information to students. 113 of the grads of 2010 are connected to me on Facebook, and a number of them also follow me on Twitter. Of course, it is NOT required that you become my Facebook friend or Twitter follower, but you are more than welcome to visit me on Facebook and Twitter for updated information about what's happening at your school.

You can find me on Facebook by clicking the link below:
Mr. L's Facebook

You can also follow me on Twitter by clicking the link below:
Mr. L's Twitter

I don't want students to be spending too much time on the computer away from your school work, family, and friends. However, social media does offer an excellent opportunity to connect, if used properly.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Calendar of Events (January, 2011)

Happy new year, everyone! The following are some of the important dates that you may want to jot down on your calendar for the month of January, 2011:
  • January 4 (Tuesday): School re-opens. Regular schedule with first class starting at 8:35
  • January 6 (Thursday): Mini PAC meeting at 7 p.m.
  • January 11 (Tuesday): PAC meeting at 7 p.m.
  • January 13 (Thursday): Instructional Planning Period - students start at 10:15 a.m.
  • January 18 (Tuesday): Grade 9 Immunization Clinic
  • January 19 (Wednesday): Non-instructional day - school not in session
  • January 21 (Friday): February's lunch envelopes due
  • January 26 (Wednesday): Block Rotation - 2-1-4-3 (or Blocks B-A-D-C)
  • January 27 (Thursday): Block Rotation - 2-1-4-3 (or Blocks F-E-H-G)
I hope 2011 will be an exciting and rewarding year for all of you. See you all on January 4!