Thursday, December 15, 2011

January Lunch Passes

Just a reminder to all of you that the due date for submitting money for the January lunch passes is tomorrow, December 16. Please have your lunch envelopes ready, and submit them to the office before the end of the school day. Late submission may result in you not having your lunch pass when you come back from the break.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Student Christmas Lunch

Tickets for the student Christmas lunch will be on sale for $5 each starting today. The ticket's price is for students who are currently NOT on the lunch program. Students who are currently on the lunch program will get the meal free.

Tickets can be purchased from the office during break and lunch.

This year's Christmas lunch features turkey, the trimmings, and all other goodies. Be sure to purchase your ticket so you can join others in the celebration Thursday at lunch!

(disclaimer: the actual Christmas lunch may not look as shown in this picture...)

Monday, December 5, 2011

UBC TechTrek Saturday workshops

Are you interested in computer science? Technology? Robotics? UBC's department of computer science is offering free Saturday workshops for students in grades 8 to 12. For students in grades 11 and 12, you will hear presentations from the faculty and industry leaders, followed by lab demos and hands-on experiences. For students in grades 8 to 10, you will spend the morning with computer science experts; then, you will have a chance to practise your skills with games, robots, challenges, and more.

Guest speakers include experts from Electronic Arts, Pixar, Google, Microsoft, and so on. There will also be prizes giveaways: netbooks, video game consoles, i-Pods, and more!

Tech Trek is offering three Saturday workshops on January 21, March 3, and March 31. For registration, go to Tech Trek's website (click here). You can also e-mail Tech Trek at or call 604-822-9176. You can also like them on Facebook (click here).
If you like to learn about computer programming, or if you like building robots or designing games, TechTrek is can offer you some very interesting workshops! Register early - last year's seats were filled up FAST!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Annual Canned Food Drive

This year's annual canned food drive, called "The Canley Cup," will go from Monday, November 28 to Friday, December 13. Donated items have the following value:
  • cans up to 245g or mL - 1
  • cans up to 355g or mL - 2
  • cans up to 461g or mL - 3
  • cans up to 843g or mL - 4
  • cans over 843g or mL - 5
  • instant formula (g or mL) - as per above, but points are doubled
  • instant noodle (package or bowl) - half each
  • 1 diaper - half each
  • $1 cash donation - 3
Please give generously. This is a time where a lot of families struggle for their basic needs and necessities. Your generous donation can ensure that some of these families can at least have a respectable meal during the holiday seasons. Give not because you can win something, or because others are telling you to, but because it is the right thing to do.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Calendar of Events: December 2011

It is that time of the year, that season of sharing and giving. With just twelve days of school, a lot is happening. Here's a brief break-down of the important events this month:
  • Monday, Nov 28: The annual canned food drive begins (ends December 9)
  • Friday, Dec 2: Library is closed after school for decorating
  • Wednesday, Dec 7: Mini school winter celebration
  • Monday, Dec 12: The gingerbread house competition begins in the library
  • Tuesday, Dec 13: Reports sent home
  • Wednesday, Dec 14: Staff Christmas luncheon
  • Thursday, Dec 15 morning: Grad Christmas breakfast
  • Thursday, Dec 15 lunch: Student lunch
  • Friday, Dec 16: Christmas carnival; last day of classes for 2011
  • Friday, Dec 16: Lunch envelopes for January 2012 due today
  • Monday, Dec 19 to Friday, Dec 30: Winter Break
  • Sunday, Dec 25: Christmas Day!
Please be reminded that school will re-open on Tuesday, January 3, 2012.