Monday, June 4, 2012

Writing practice provincial exam online

Some of you may have started practising for writing your provincial exams. Did you know that you can now practise an e-exam online? Here's a step-by-step guide to how you can do so.

First, you need to log on to the Ministry of Education's provincial exam website: (Click here)
Once you are at the site, choose the link for sample exams, which would take you to the following page that looks like this:
Here, enter the grade of the course you want to practise (e.g. click 10 if you want to practise for the science 10 exam, and 11 if you want to practise for the pre-calculus 11 exam). Make sure you click the button to agree on the copyright terms too!
You will now be prompted to choose the exam to which you want to practise on. For math courses, please be very careful in choosing the proper course. This year, Templeton students are only offered Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10, and Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 10. 
Here, you can choose an exam to practise on. If you prefer, you can choose to download an actual exam to work on. Or, you can click on one of the e-Exam link to practise for the exam online. 
You will now be prompted to enter a PEN. Do NOT use your actual PEN for a practice exam! Instead, simply type in a number between 1 to 100,000 as your PEN. For each practice exam, there is a password. Enter that password for the particular exam (see the above diagram, where I have entered the password of Release A 2011/2012 exam).
Click login, and you will enter into your practice exam! It's that simple!


Friday, June 1, 2012

Calendar of Events - June 2012

Before you know it, we are approaching the end of the year. Here are some important dates to jot down:
  • Wednesday, June 6: Mini School year-end celebration at 6:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, June 7: VSB Aboriginal Achievement Celebration at 5:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, June 13: Grad Rehearsal at 3:07 p.m.
  • Thursday, June 14: Graduation Ceremony
  • Friday, June 15: Last day of instruction for term 3; end of term 3
  • Monday, June 18 to Wednesday, June 27: In-school final exams and provincial exams
  • Friday, June 22: Yearbook Distribution in the small gym and cafeteria
  • Thursday, June 28: Report Cards Issued
  • Friday, June 29: Administrative Day - students not in session
The end is near, very, very near! Keep pushing - only 11 days of instruction remain!