Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mr. Leung's Course Planning Schedule

Course planning for the 2012 - 2013 year will officially begin next week. I will be visiting your English class during the week from February 7 to February 10 to talk to you about graduation requirements, post-secondary course requirements, and courses you can take in grade 11 and beyond. Below is a rough timeline:
  • Week of Feb 7 to Feb 10: I will visit your English classes to give out course request forms and to introduce you to courses available for next year
  • Week of Feb 13 to Feb 16: Time for you and your family to discuss course request choices for next year, and to ask me any questions regarding course planning
  • Week of Feb 20 to Feb 24: Collection of signed and completed course request forms
  • Feb 24 (Friday): Last day for me to collect course request forms from you.
I will be visiting your English classes on the following dates:






Feb 7 (Tue)

2.1 (E)

Vadacchino – English 10


10:10 – 11:35

Feb 7 (Tue)

2.4 (H)

Smith – English 10A


12:20 – 1:41

Feb 8 (Wed)

1.2 (B)

Bird – English 10


8:35 – 9:55

Feb 8 (Wed)

1.1 (A)

Smith – English 10


10:10 – 11:35

Feb 8 (Wed)

1.3 (C)

Bird – English 10


1:46 – 3:07

Feb 9 (Thu)

2.2 (F)

Leung – English 10 modified


10:10 – 10:50

Feb 10 (Fri)

1.2 (B)

Ramsey – English 10 mini


8:35 – 9:55

Feb 10 (Fri)

1.4 (D)

Ramsey – English 10 enrich


12:20 – 1:41

See you all soon! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding course planning!

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