Friday, September 21, 2012

Junior Leadership Program at Kiwassa

Kiwassa Neighbourhood House is currently accepting application from students in grades 10 to 12 for its youth leadership program.

The program is a 3-month program aimed at helping youth gain the skills and experience to work with children and increase their chances of gaining meaningful employment. Those accepted into the program will be given an orientation and training and will be placed in the Children's Programs and the Pre-teen Program to help lead activities for children ages 5 to 12.

No prior experience working with children is necessary. All training, including first aid training, will be provided. All successful candidates must attend an orientation Thursday, September 27. You will also be required to volunteer 2 hours once a week after school (3:30 to 5:30) from October 1 to December 7.

This is a great way to receive free first aid training and to obtain volunteer hours, not to mention that it will equip you with some valuable skills and to give you a chance to give back to the community.

For application forms, please come to your counsellors' office. Deadline for application is Monday, but program coordinator has advised me that the deadline can be extended closer to the date of the orientation. 

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