Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Info on the Language Challenge Exams

The packages for the language challenge exams have arrived - you can visit your counsellor for the registration package. Here are some important information for you to know before registering:

  • The challenge exam is for students who have never received course credit for the course they wish to challenge (i.e. you cannot challenge for French 11 because you are not happy with the mark you received last year in the course)
  • The challenge exam is not for students who have been granted credit equivalency for a course they are being given credit for
  • The challenge exam's results may be used towards fulfilling an admission requirement by a post-secondary school, but it is NOT to be used for admission calculation
  • A refundable deposit cheque for $50.00 is to be made payable to the Delta School District when you submit your registration. A refund will be issued when you show up to write the challenge exam.
  • International students wishing to write a challenge exam must provide a $155.00 NON-REFUNDABLE cheque payable to the Vancouver School Board when registering
  • P.7 and P.8 of the registration package are to be reviewed by your counsellor to determine your eligibility - it must be filled out completely and accurately.
  • P.9 and P.10 of the registration package needs to be filled out ONLINE and printed to go along with your hand-written registration package. The online portion of the registration form can be accessed at this website: (click here to enter)
  • Completed registration packages must be submitted to your grade counsellor by Thursday, October 25 at 3:03 p.m. (no exceptions). Completed packages need to be sent off Friday morning by your counsellors, so we cannot accept late registrations.
For more information, or to pick up your registration package, please come and see me ASAP.

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