Thursday, October 31, 2013

Info from SFU's Counsellor's Day 2013

The following were pieces of information I learned from SFU's Counsellor's Day, which was held on October 30. If you are interested in going to SFU, please pay close attention, and don't hesitate to ask if you need more information.

  • You can apply through Apply BC starting now until April 30 (click here to go to Apply BC)
  • Application fee is $75
  • When you apply, you would be ask to self-report your grades through SFU's Self-report Grades Portal.
  • The Self-report Grades Portal opens on December 15, 2013, and will close on April 30, 2014.
  • When self-reporting, you need to report ALL completed Grade 11 and 12 courses, and ALL interim Grade 12 marks (for Templeton's students, this means your first term marks)
  • Distributed learning course grades (such as those from online courses) can be self-reported (either as completed courses, or in-progress courses that are at least 50% completed when you self-report
Grade 11/12 General Requirements
  • English 11
  • Language 11 (Beginner's Language 11 such as Beginner's Spanish/Mandarin/Japanese are acceptable)
  • Pre-Calculus 11 or Foundations of Math 11
  • A Science 11
  • English 12 (provincial exam must be written, with a final blended mark of at least 60%)
  • Three additional approved grade 12 courses
  • Grades from challenge exams ARE accepted
  • Courses to be completed in Summer 2014 (e.g. summer school in 2014) CANNOT be used towards admission to the Fall 2014 semester
  • Important Note: Faculty-specific requirements will include the above general requirements plus more - consult SFU's website for details
Diverse Qualifications
  • This refers to the possible option for students who do not meet the competitive admission average
  • You must at least meet the minimum admission requirements
  • In addition, you need to submit a personal information profile (to be completed online) AND to provide one reference letter
  • For more information, go to SFU's admission requirements for details (click here)
Scholarship Information
  • Courses you use in the calculation of the scholarship average would be the same as the courses used to calculate your program admission average
  • The Automatic Entrance Scholarship, valued at $5000 each, is automatically offered to applicants whose course average is 95% and above - no application is required
  • Major Entrance Scholarship, is awarded to students with at least a 90% average. The application for this scholarship is open now
  • For more scholarship information, go to SFU's Financial Aid department (click here) for details
Contact for Questions
  • The person to contact for grade 12 students is Ms. Gladys Bothaju, who can be reached at
Disclaimer: the above information is accurate to the best of my knowledge and is typed here for your reference only. Please go to SFU's website to confirm if you are not certain.

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