Sunday, August 29, 2010

Welcome Back!

Hello, grads of 2014. Welcome back to what I hope would be an exciting and rewarding year.

In case we haven't met already - my name is Mr. Leung, and I will be your counsellor this year, and probably until you graduate from Templeton in 2014! I can be found at the end of the counselling suite (Room 103F, if you need a room number) if you want to chat, or if you have any concerns over school, friends, and home. While some of you were a part of my grade 8 load last year, most of you will be working with me for the first time this year. I am looking forward for this opportunity.

There are quite a few ways you can contact me - feel free to browse this blog - I have listed at least 4 ways that you can get in touch with me...

So, before I sign off, I just want to say: for those of you who are new to Templeton, welcome to a wonderful school! For those of you who are returning, welcome back!

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