Monday, September 13, 2010

Course Change Requests (Update)

I'm pleased to tell you that all students in grade 9 now have a complete timetable. This means, I have started working on your requests for course changes.

Please be aware that not all courses are available every block. This creates several potential problems for you:
  • If the elective course occurs at the same time as one of your required courses, and there are no possible ways to put you in another section for that required course, my priority would be to ensure that you have that required course first.
  • There is a class-size limit to all courses. If a course is full at a particular block, I would not be able to schedule you into that class, even if the course change would work time-wise.
I am keeping a running list of all of your course change requests. I would let you know if I can make a course switch with you, and I am going through the entire list of requests everyday to ensure that you can be scheduled when a space becomes available.

I understand that this is a crazy time, and a stressful period for all of you who wants to change courses (I am going bonkers with all these myself). I appreciate your patience in this waiting process.

Please come to see me if you have any questions.

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