Thursday, October 14, 2010

Take Our Kids to Work

Hosted by The Learning Partnership, a national non-profit organization dedicated to championing a strong public education system in Canada, the 16th annual "Take Our Kids to Work" program will take place this year on Wednesday, November 3.
On that day, grade 9 students can spend the day at work, job-shadowing a parent, a relative, or a family friend.

Students who are interested in participating in this program can come and Mr. Hayes in the Career Center, or you can come and see me. A consent form will be issued to you. Completed forms must be returned to me by October 29 (Friday).

Please note: Unfortunately, we will not be able to arrange a placement for job-shadowing for you. You and your family must try to arrange for the day if you are interested in participating. For more information, please come to speak to me or Mr. Hayes directly. You can also visit the Learning Partnership's website (click here) to find out more about the vision and purpose for the "Take Our Kids to Work" program.

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