Monday, November 29, 2010

December's Bus Pass

December's bus passes have arrived. You can come to my office at your convenience to pick yours up.

Students may request for a bus pass if they a) are in a distract program; b) live more than 4.8 km from the school, and c) have a financial need. A proof of address and documentation supporting financial need must accompany an application for a bus pass. If you have submitted an application for a buss pass but are not receiving one, please see Mr. Mustapich.

I will not be in my office after school Tuesday, November 30, so please try to come and find me prior to that to avoid not having your bus pass for Wednesday’s commute to school.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Link Christmas Drive

The Link Crew is running a Christmas Drive to put together hampers for Templeton families in need. All donations made will go directly to a fellow Titan. We are looking for non-perishables, gift cards, toys, books, and other gifts that can help make someone's Christmas a little brighter. Please bring all donations to your Socials classes. We are competing against Kitsilano to see who can raise the most, so come out and support your school! If you have any questions, please see Miss Loo or Mr. Breden.

Monday, November 22, 2010

School Closure when school is in session

Below is the official Vancouver School Board release of its policy regarding school closures when school is in session:

This applies to a situation where a school, schools, or the entire system is CLOSED due to weather conditions (e.g. snow), natural disaster, or other conditions that might endanger the health of students and staff. When all schools are closed all other programs and worksites, e.g. night schools and committee meetings, will also be closed/cancelled.

A CLEAR ANNOUNCEMENT stating that schools are closed will be provided by 6:00 a.m. to local radio stations. The Board will contact the following radio and television stations to make an announcement regarding any closures. Please do not call media outlets to determine whether schools are closed.

  • CKNW (980 AM)
  • CKWX (NEWS 1130 AM)
  • CBC RADIO (690 AM, 105.7 FM)
  • BCTV/Global (cable channel 11)
  • FAIRCHILD Radio (CJVB AM 1470/CKHG FM 96.1)
  • CITY TV (cable channel 13)

Friday, November 19, 2010

December's Lunch Envelopes

Lunch envelopes for the month of December are due Monday, November 22. Please have your completed lunch envelopes ready, and drop them off at the box in the main office.

Late submissions may result in you not having a lunch card on December 1. Please submit your lunch envelopes as soon as possible.

Hot lunches for the month cost $70. For students in families with financial difficulties, a $35 fee is recommended. If you have any questions, please talk to me, or Mr. Mustapich, the vice principal in charge of the school lunch program.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Grade 9 Immunization Clinic Update

This is a reminder that the grade 9 immunization clinic will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov 16 from 8:40 to 11:40 a.m. Students will be called down to the auditorium through the PA in alphabetical order. Volunteers will help line you up, and staff from Vancouver Coastal Health will assist you through the immunization process.

If you have forgotten to submit your consent form, please bring it WITH YOU when you are called down to the auditorium. You no longer need to submit the consent form to the office.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Block Rotation Reminder

Just a reminder to all students that the first block rotation will take place this Wednesday, November 10 (Day 1), followed by Monday, November 15 (Day 2).

On Wednesday, the classes will go as follows:
Periods 3, 4, 1, and 2 (i.e. Blocks C, D, A, and B)

On Monday, the classes will go as follows:
Periods 3, 4, 1, and 2 (i.e. Blocks G, H, E, and F)

If you see a new Templeton student or a grade 8 student seemingly lost, please try to assist him/her. If the student you are helping does not have a timetable with him/her, please direct him/her to see one of the counsellors. Thank you in advance for demonstrating your community spirit and social responsibility!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Remembrance Day Assemblies

This year's Remembrance Day assemblies will take place on Wednesday, November 10 during the first two periods. Grades 8, 9, and 12 will be called to the auditorium at 9:00 (period 1.3, or block C), while grades 10 and 11 will be called to the auditorium at 10:20 (period 1.4, or Block D).
The following are general guidelines for this assembly:
  • Students are to stay with their teacher and class for the assembly
  • Students will be directed to their seats by their teachers
  • Students should not bring any electronic devices, back packs, or their books to the assembly
  • Because Remembrance Day is an occasion for reflection, students are asked to enter the auditorium in a quiet and orderly manner. Students are also expected to conduct themselves appropriately and respectfully.
  • Students should not be talking while entering and exiting the auditorium.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Teen Mentors Required

If you are a grade 9, 10, or 11 Templeton student who likes to spend time with kids and are looking for volunteer experiences, Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver is currently looking for teen volunteers among you!As a teen mentor, you will work one day a week, after school from 3:30 to 4:30, with a student (boy or girl) from A.R. Lord Elementary. You can hang out at the school's playground, play games and sports, or do arts and crafts with your elementary mentee.

To apply, you can pick up an application form from Jasmine Oliver in the Community School office (right opposite to the counselling suites). Complete the form as soon as possible, and return it to Jasmine.

If you have any questions, you can come and ask me, or see Jasmine in the Community School Office.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Grade 9 Immunization Clinic

An information package was given to you last week regarding the grade 9 immunization clinic. The package includes the following:
  • Detailed information and instructions from our school nurse, Mr. Jamie Pringle, on the immunization clinic
  • Consent forms for all students
Consent forms can be returned to the main office. A box labeled "Grade 9 Immunization Clinic Consent Forms" can be found. Completed consent forms can be placed into the box to be collected. The last day to accept the consent forms would be Monday, November 8.

The immunization clinic itself will take place Tuesday, November 16 between 8:45 - 11:45 a.m. Students will be called down in alphabetical order by their last names over on the PA. When called, students are expected to directly report to the auditorium. Once there, Mr. Pringle and his associates will assist the student through the immunization project.