Monday, November 8, 2010

Remembrance Day Assemblies

This year's Remembrance Day assemblies will take place on Wednesday, November 10 during the first two periods. Grades 8, 9, and 12 will be called to the auditorium at 9:00 (period 1.3, or block C), while grades 10 and 11 will be called to the auditorium at 10:20 (period 1.4, or Block D).
The following are general guidelines for this assembly:
  • Students are to stay with their teacher and class for the assembly
  • Students will be directed to their seats by their teachers
  • Students should not bring any electronic devices, back packs, or their books to the assembly
  • Because Remembrance Day is an occasion for reflection, students are asked to enter the auditorium in a quiet and orderly manner. Students are also expected to conduct themselves appropriately and respectfully.
  • Students should not be talking while entering and exiting the auditorium.

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