Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Calendar of Events (December)

Before we know it, 2010 is coming to an end, and yes, first term is DONE, just like that! Congratulations to those of you who have worked really hard to be excellent this term! For those of you who have not done as well as you know you are capable of - there is still LOTS of time to make up!Below is a list of important dates for the month of December. Jot it down!
  • Dec 1 (Wed): End of Term 1
  • Dec 1 (Wed): Library Monitors' Party (after school)
  • Dec 1 (Wed): Mini School Winter Celebration (6:00 - 9:00 p.m.)
  • Dec 2 and 3 (Thu, Fri): Fine Arts 8 Rotation
  • Dec 2 (Thu): LPI exams (after school, library)
  • Dec 6 (Mon): Term 1 Marks submitted to office
  • Dec 8 (Wed): Winter Concert
  • Dec 8 - 10 (Wed - Fri): "Let Me Up!" presentations
  • Dec 9 (Thu): January's Lunch Envelopes Due
  • Dec 13 - 14 (Mon - Tue): Gingerbread Competition
  • Dec 14 (Tue): Staff Christmas Lunch, Report Cards Pick-up (3:00 p.m.)
  • Dec 15 (Wed): "Kindness Rocks" presentations (12:45 p.m. session for Grade 9s)
  • Dec 16 (Thu): Student Christmas Lunch
  • Dec 17 (Fri): Last Day of Classes with adjusted Schedule (TBA)
  • Dec 18 - Jan 2, 2011: Christmas/Winter Break
Mr. L's note: Speaking of Christmas and the holidays, the above picture is taken from Van Dusen Garden, who has a "Festival of Lights" every year. It is absolutely beautiful - if you have a chance, it is worth a visit! Have a wonderful December, a restful break, and Merry Christmas!

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