Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Course Planning Request Forms

A gentle reminder to all of you that the course planning forms need to be handed in to me no later than Friday, March 4. Once your request forms are in, I need to check your course requests for accuracy. With close to 200 of you, the process would take a significant amount of time.

Course requests need to be entered into the school's student information system before we leave for spring break. Having students' course requests entered correctly and in a timely fashion will help the timetable committee determine properly what courses will/will not run, and how many section(s) for each course needs to be run. Your cooperation in this process is not only appreciated by the school, but it is also of your best interests as well.

If you are having trouble choosing your courses, or if you still have questions to ask me about courses for next year, please do not hesitate to come in to see me as soon as possible. Thanks!

(Let's hope I don't have to get all enraged like the picture above to have all of your forms back... )

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