Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Last day for course changes

We have just been informed that the last day for course changes is Thursday, September 29. Counsellors can still change a student's course schedule in extraordinary circumstances, but for general student course request changes, tomorrow is the last day.

We apologize for the short notice to this and for any inconvenience this may cause.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Information about Language Challenge Exams

We have just received information about the language challenge exams. For detailed information, please come by to see me. Here are the highlights of some key information:
  • Courses available for challenge: French 11/12, German 11/12, Korean 11/12, Punjabi 11/12, Mandarin 11/12 (traditional or simplified characters), Japanese 11/12, Spanish 11/12
  • Exam schedule: January 21, 2012 (Korean, Mandarin 11, Spanish, German), January 22, 2012 (French, Japanese, Punjabi), January 28 (Mandarin 12), January 29 (Mandarin 12)
  • Students need to be available between 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. that day for the exam
  • Fees: a refundable deposit of $50 that will be refunded on the day of the exam
  • Application due date: October 26, 2011 - completed application forms and application fees must be submitted to your counsellor on or before this date
Please note: the mark you receive from the challenge exam can be used as a course credit towards graduation and would fulfill the entrance requirement for post-secondary schools that require a language credit for a particular faculty or program. The exam's results CANNOT be used, however, towards calculation of post-secondary admission.

Detailed information of the challenge exams can be found on Delta School District's challenge exams website (click here). For the application package, please come to see me.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September's Instructional Planning Period

This is a reminder that the first instructional planning period (IPP) will take place this Friday, September 16. Unlike last year, during IPP, students will still have to go to all four of their classes. The bell schedule for IPP days will be different as well. Below is the bell schedule:

Staff only time: 8:35 - 9:55 a.m.
Break: 9:55 - 10:10 a.m.
Period 1 (Period 2.1, block E): 10:10 - 10:50 a.m.
Period 2 (Period 2.2, block F): 10:55 - 11:35 a.m.
Lunch: 11:35 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
Period 3 (Period 2.3, block G): 12:20 - 1:41 p.m.
Period 4 (Period 2.4, block H): 1:46 - 3:07 p.m.

Teachers will not be available during the IPP period, as they have department instructional planning meetings during that time.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Questions about online courses

Several students have asked about online courses. While I do not have the answers to all questions, here are some important answers that may be important to you:

Q: Where do I sign up for online courses?
A: The Vancouver Learning Network (VLN) is the school under the Vancouver School Board where online courses are offered. You can go to its website (click here) to learn more about online courses.

Q: How do I sign up for an online course?
A: When you are at VLN's website, click enrol. Then, click the "online registration link." You will be re-directed to a page where you would be asked to register for an online account as well as to choose your course(s).

Q: What do I need to have with me when I register?
A: Your provincial examination number (PEN) will be the most important piece of ID for the registration process. Your PEN, a 9-digit number, can be found on your report card. You would also need two e-mail addresses for the registration process.

Q: What will happen when I register for an online course?
A: All online courses begin with an orientation assignment. Your online course instructor will provide the information for you to complete this assignment. Once the orientation assignment is completed, you are officially in an online course.

Q: Does Templeton know how I am doing in my online course?
A: Templeton receives a term report from VLN advising us how Templeton students are doing with their VLN courses. In these reports, we are told the portion of the course that you have completed, and your mark from the completed sections of your course.

Q: Are there tests/exams for these online courses?
A: Most online courses have tests and exams. Exams are generally written on site at the VLN office, which is located at John Oliver Secondary.

Q: What if I decide to withdraw from an online course?
A: You need to notify your online course instructor, and follow the withdrawing process. A "W" will be given for courses you have withdrawn from in your transcript.

Q: How much time do I have to complete an online course?
A: From the time you start the course, you have one year to complete the course. As I mentioned before, if you wish to use a VLN course as a prerequisite for a course you want to take at Templeton, you must have completed that prerequisite course prior to enrollment.

For more information, you can visit the FAQ page from VLN (click here).