Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Information about Language Challenge Exams

We have just received information about the language challenge exams. For detailed information, please come by to see me. Here are the highlights of some key information:
  • Courses available for challenge: French 11/12, German 11/12, Korean 11/12, Punjabi 11/12, Mandarin 11/12 (traditional or simplified characters), Japanese 11/12, Spanish 11/12
  • Exam schedule: January 21, 2012 (Korean, Mandarin 11, Spanish, German), January 22, 2012 (French, Japanese, Punjabi), January 28 (Mandarin 12), January 29 (Mandarin 12)
  • Students need to be available between 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. that day for the exam
  • Fees: a refundable deposit of $50 that will be refunded on the day of the exam
  • Application due date: October 26, 2011 - completed application forms and application fees must be submitted to your counsellor on or before this date
Please note: the mark you receive from the challenge exam can be used as a course credit towards graduation and would fulfill the entrance requirement for post-secondary schools that require a language credit for a particular faculty or program. The exam's results CANNOT be used, however, towards calculation of post-secondary admission.

Detailed information of the challenge exams can be found on Delta School District's challenge exams website (click here). For the application package, please come to see me.

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