Monday, October 17, 2011

New Information on Government's Scholarships on the Provincial Exams

New information has just been released regarding the provincial scholarships for the mandatory provincial exams (English 10, Math 10, Science 10, Social Studies 11, and Language Arts 12).
  • Students must achieve at least a "B" (73% or above) FINAL MARK (a blended mark based on your school mark and provincial exam mark, weighed 60% and 40% respectively) in one of the Language Arts 12 course (English 12 or Communications 12)
  • Students must achieve at least one "A" (86% or higher) AND three "B"s (73% or higher) on four of their best provincial exams (you can use the Language Arts 12's provincial exam score as one of the four provincial exams used in the calculation)
  • The examination re-write rule will be relaxed for one year (now until August 31, 2012) to allow students to re-write a required exam to improve their scores. That is, if you have taken a provincial-examinable course already and did not do as well as you would have liked on the provincial exam, you may register to re-write that exam for a better score.
  • AP and most IB scores will no longer count towards the provincial scholarship.
For more information on the provincial exams and the provincial exam scholarships, please come to speak to me, or speak to one of the administrators.

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