Friday, December 2, 2011

Annual Canned Food Drive

This year's annual canned food drive, called "The Canley Cup," will go from Monday, November 28 to Friday, December 13. Donated items have the following value:
  • cans up to 245g or mL - 1
  • cans up to 355g or mL - 2
  • cans up to 461g or mL - 3
  • cans up to 843g or mL - 4
  • cans over 843g or mL - 5
  • instant formula (g or mL) - as per above, but points are doubled
  • instant noodle (package or bowl) - half each
  • 1 diaper - half each
  • $1 cash donation - 3
Please give generously. This is a time where a lot of families struggle for their basic needs and necessities. Your generous donation can ensure that some of these families can at least have a respectable meal during the holiday seasons. Give not because you can win something, or because others are telling you to, but because it is the right thing to do.

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