Monday, January 2, 2012

Calendar of Events: January 2012

Happy new year! I hope all of you have had a restful break. It's the beginning of another calendar year - may this be a time for you to set some new goals for a successful remainder of the school year.

Below are some key dates to jot down for the month of January:
  • Jan 3 (Tuesday): School re-opens. It is a Day 1, by the way.
  • Jan 3 (Tuesday): January bus-pass pick up - please see me for your bus pass
  • Jan 12 (Thursday): Instructional Planning Period. Students start at 10:00 a.m.
  • Jan 23 (Monday): Block rotation to B-A-D-C (2-1-4-3).
  • Jan 24 (Tuesday): Block rotation to F-E-H-G (2-1-4-3).
  • Jan 23 to 27 (Monday to Friday): Provincial Exam make-up session (see separate entry for details)
It is not a month with a lot of events, but it is certainly a good time to re-focus, and to start nicely for term 2. Please don't hesitate to come and see me if you need any assistance!

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