Monday, September 17, 2012

Physical Activity Log

As a part of your graduation requirement, ALL students need to submit a physical activity log each term.

The form can be downloaded from Templeton's school website. Under the "important" tab, you can find it as the first entry (see screen shot below):

From the "important" tab of the school's website, you can find the entry to the daily physical activity log
Click onto the link, and you will be re-directed to the document. Print it, and begin filling it out. Submit your completed first term log to Mrs. Duncan by November 30, 2012.

Here's a screen shot of how the log looks like:

As the form indicates, if you are currently taking PE11, you do not have to complete the table below. Fill in the top part of the form, and you can submit it to Mrs. Duncan right away.

For students currently NOT taking PE, you need to record your weekly physical activities (e.g. playing tennis with a friend, biking to school, etc.). You should aim to have 150 minutes of physical activities per week, but if you have done less one week, and more another, it will be acceptable too.

Remember, the physical activity log IS A PART OF YOUR GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS!!! All students are expected to complete it.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to come in and speak to me.

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