Friday, February 8, 2013

Course Planning Schedule

For those of you who are wondering about when exactly would I be coming to your class to discuss course planning for your grade 12 year, please take a look at the schedule below:

A big "thank you" goes out to the English department for allowing me to come in to your English class to discuss what probably will be the most important year of your high school career!

Feb 18 (Mon )
1.1 (A)
English 11 – Vadacchino
Feb 18 (Mon)
1.4 (D)
English 11 – Grant
Feb 19 (Tue)
2.4 (H)
English 11 – Smith
Feb 19 (Tue)
2.3 (G)
English 11 – Smith
Feb 20 (Wed)
1.1 (A)
English 11 Enriched – Wong
Feb 20 (Wed)
1.3 (C)
Communications 11 – Burt
Feb 22 (Fri)
1.1 (A)
English 11 – Soderlund
Feb 22 (Fri)
1.4 (D)
English 11 Mini – Vadacchino

If, for whatever reason, you know you would not be able to attend the scheduled class, and will miss the course planning "lecture" I will be doing, please come to see me during one of the times when I am not presenting course planning info to a class. Important forms and information would be shared during these sessions, so it is EXTREMELY important that you don't miss anything.

Course request forms will be distributed during the course planning session, and they will be collected one week after.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to come in and see me.

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