Thursday, September 26, 2013

Graduation Transitions Common Files

Several of you have asked about the GT files. While the school website is the best place to download and print these files, I'm posting them here as well for you to download.

Click on the link here. In total, there are 9 files for you to download:
  • Graduation Transitions 2013 - 2014.pdf - this is the outline that introduces you to the different GT assignments. It also contains some useful links, deadlines, etc.
  • Physical Activity Log 2013-2014 Term 1.pdf - due November 29, 2013
  • Physical Activity Log 2013-2014 Term 2.pdf - due March 7, 2014
  • Physical Activity Log 2013-2014 Term 3.pdf - due June 6, 2014
  • Transition Plan Presentation.pdf - this document explains to you the requirements for your exit interview, which you will be doing in April/May of 2014
  • Transition Plan Checklist Section 1.pdf - The "Who am I?" GT assignment - due October 24
  • Transition Plan Checklist Section 2.pdf - The "What will I do?" GT assignment - due December 18
  • Transition Plan Checklist Section 3.pdf - The "Hours and Health" GT assignment - due February 20
  • Work or Volunteer Hours Form.pdf - This form was first given to you last year, and some of you have completed it already. You need to complete this form with your 30 hours of volunteer and/or work signed by your supervisor. 
If you have any questions on any of these, please come to see me. Please also make sure to attend the GT assembly next Wednesday after the announcements.

Graduation Transitions Assembly

Attention all grade 12 students:

There will be a brief assembly held next Wednesday, October 2, at the start of period 2 (after the announcements) in the auditorium. In this assembly, we will talk exclusively about the graduation transition "course" that all grade 12s need to complete to receive the four GT credits required for graduation. Whether you have a class or not, it is CRUCIAL that you make the time to attend.

Meanwhile, all GT assignments and documents have been uploaded onto the school's website. You can find these assignments and documents under the "students" tab on the school's website. Choose "grad" in the sub menu, and you will see all the documents (see screen shot below). Click each item to print or view, and please take note of the due dates for the three transition plan assignments.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

UBC's New Policy on Distributed Learning Courses

UBC has some new policies when it comes to distributed learning courses (which includes courses you are taking online with any online school). The new policy is a lot stricter than the past, and may impact your choice of taking or continuing with an online course if you plan to go to UBC.

The policy affects students who are planning to use one/more of their online courses to calculate their admission averages. Instead of requiring you to complete 50% or more of the course by a set deadline, you now have to complete THE ENTIRE COURSE BY FEBRUARY 1, 2014 for UBC to accept the mark your online school reports. For individual courses, your online teacher may require you to finish the course even sooner, in order for them to have your marks ready to be submitted.

The actual wording from UBC on this policy reads like this:

If you are currently taking, or plan to take Distributed Learning courses (e.g., online courses, distance learning, or courses at another school) to meet your admission requirements, include these courses in the list of courses you will complete this year in the ‘academic profile’ section of the UBC application, and do not provide an in-progress grade.
Completion dates for Distributed Learning courses:
  • If you wish to use your Distributed Learning course in the calculation of your competitive admission average, the course must be 100% complete by February 1, 2014 and your Distributed Learning provider/school must submit the final grade to the Ministry of Education so that it appears on your Ministry of Education Student Secure Web in time for you to self-report these grades in March/April.
  • Distributed learning courses completed by June 30, 2014 can be used to meet pre-requisites but will not be used in the calculation of your competitive admission average.
(taken from UBC's Undergraduate Program and Admissions Page, click this link for details)

Monday, September 16, 2013

UBC Enrollment Report (2012)

For students who are interested in applying to UBC next fall, this document contains some very relevant and important information. One of the most important pieces of info is the mean admission averages for first year direct entry undergraduate students. The trend of increasing admission requirements appear to be continuing, with the overall average at 89.7%.

Specific faculties' mean admission averages are as follows:
  • Applied Science: 91.0%
  • Arts: 87.5%
  • Commerce: 91.7%
  • Kinesiology: 88.2%
  • Forestry: 83.1%
  • LFS: 88.9%
  • Science: 92.3%
The full report can be viewed at UBC's website (click here)