Thursday, September 26, 2013

Graduation Transitions Common Files

Several of you have asked about the GT files. While the school website is the best place to download and print these files, I'm posting them here as well for you to download.

Click on the link here. In total, there are 9 files for you to download:
  • Graduation Transitions 2013 - 2014.pdf - this is the outline that introduces you to the different GT assignments. It also contains some useful links, deadlines, etc.
  • Physical Activity Log 2013-2014 Term 1.pdf - due November 29, 2013
  • Physical Activity Log 2013-2014 Term 2.pdf - due March 7, 2014
  • Physical Activity Log 2013-2014 Term 3.pdf - due June 6, 2014
  • Transition Plan Presentation.pdf - this document explains to you the requirements for your exit interview, which you will be doing in April/May of 2014
  • Transition Plan Checklist Section 1.pdf - The "Who am I?" GT assignment - due October 24
  • Transition Plan Checklist Section 2.pdf - The "What will I do?" GT assignment - due December 18
  • Transition Plan Checklist Section 3.pdf - The "Hours and Health" GT assignment - due February 20
  • Work or Volunteer Hours Form.pdf - This form was first given to you last year, and some of you have completed it already. You need to complete this form with your 30 hours of volunteer and/or work signed by your supervisor. 
If you have any questions on any of these, please come to see me. Please also make sure to attend the GT assembly next Wednesday after the announcements.

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