Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Application and Admission Info from Langara College

The following are new pieces of information I obtained from Langara College when I attended its counsellors' conference last week. Please read the info carefully as some are time-sensitive:

Application Dates: Langara is currently accepting applications for admission in September 2014. Because their open enrollment (to be discussed later) programs operate on a first-qualify, first-admit fashion, it is important for you to apply as early as possible to ensure admission.

Types of Programs: Langara offers two different streams of program: open enrollment and limited enrollment courses. Open Enrollment programs are, generally speaking, the university transfer program of Langara. Limited Enrollment programs include the career-training programs that do not lead to a transfer to a university program upon completion. 

Open Enrollment Programs: Generally do NOT have any admission prerequisites. Basically, all graduating grade 12 students can be admitted, space-permitting. Admission into an open enrollment program does not guarantee successful transfer into a university program - you must take the required, accepted transferable courses, and meet the university's admission requirement.

More on Open Enrollment Programs: Entry requirement is graduation from BC High School or equivalent. The program is divided into individual program concentrations. Typically, students enrolled in this program complete 60 credits at Langara to receive an associate degree, and then can apply into the third year of a university program of their choice. Admission to a transfer program is subject to you meeting the university's requirement. 

Limited Enrollment Programs: These programs may have program-specific prerequisites that you must complete to be considered for admission. They are generally career programs.

Students interested in going into Nursing: All students interested in going into the four-year bachelor of nursing program at Langara must apply to the Foundations of Health Studies citation, which is an open enrollment program. After the completion of the citation, and provided that you meet the competitive averages required to be accepted into the nursing program, you can apply and be admitted into the bachelor of nursing program. This is different from the arrangement in the past where there are no specific "pre-nursing" program that students can go into. Please also note that successful completion in the Foundations of Health Studies citation does NOT guarantee admission into the Bachelor of Nursing program, as the program is open for application from other institutions as well.

Studio 58: For students interested in the performing arts, you have probably heard of Studio 58, a limited enrollment program offered at Langara. It is hosting an information night on February 17, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. All students who are interested, please attend.

These are the pieces of information I picked up that I think are relevant to you. For more details on the programs offered at Langara, please visit the school's website (click here). You can also call Langara at 604-323-5241 or e-mail an academic advisor at advisor@langara.bc.ca for more info.

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