Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Admission Timeline for the University of Victoria

University of Victoria (UVic) has just released its admission timeline. Please note these important dates if you are interested in applying:
  • September 1: application process begins for September 2014 admission
  • October 1: Self reporting phase 1 opens for early admission
  • November 30: Self reporting phase 1 closes
  • February 1: Self reporting phase 2 opens for early admission
  • February 28: early application deadline for high school students
  • March 31: Self-reporting phase 2 closes; application deadline for entrance scholarships
  • June: Course timetables published and registration time tickets sent out by e-mails
  • June: Housing application deadline; all conditions must be met by June 30 in order to qualify for first-year- direct from high school guarantee.
And below are a few links from UVic that you may find useful:
Applying for UVIC: click here
Self-reporting: click here
Registering for courses: click here

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