Friday, January 28, 2011

Interim Reports, Parent-Teacher Forms

A reminder to parents that a package was sent home today during homeroom. In the package should be the school's January newsletter, a parent-teacher interview form for the parent-teacher interviews on February 9, and, where applicable, interim reports from courses your teacher(s) had written a report to send home.

If you believe there is an error in any of the interim reports, please contact first your class teacher, and then, me. The interim reports are sent in hope to remind students who may need a little nudge to re-focus, or just to communicate with parents/guardians about concerns that teachers have. Please feel free to drop by to see me if you have any concerns. Parents who have questions regarding the interim reports can e-mail me or call me (my contact info can be found on the side panel of this student blog).

Thanks, and have a wonderful weekend!

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