Monday, May 30, 2011

June's Bus Pass

June's bus passes have arrived. You can come to my office at your convenience to pick yours up.

There has been an increased number of students reporting of lost or stolen bus passes. Please be extra careful with your bus pass, just like any other valuable possessions such as your i-pod or wallet. The school has a very limited number of bus tickets that can only be issued to students in case of emergency. I will not be able to give you bus tickets on a regular basis if you were issued a bus pass, and then misplace or lose it.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Library Circulation Closed

Today is the last day library books can be borrowed out. All library books must be returned by the end of the school day tomorrow, Friday, May 27. The library will be doing its inventory starting next week. This means, while you can still use the library for quiet study time, for homework, and for research, circulation is closed.

Notices will be sent out starting next week for students who have overdue books. Not returning your overdue books can result in you not receiving your yearbook and/or report card, so please check to ensure that you do not have any outstanding books.

Please be reminded also that the library will be closed all day next Monday, May 30. It will re-open Tuesday, May 31.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

August Provincial Exams

The Vancouver School Board will establish an examination centre at the VSB Education Office for VSB students who are not registered for summer school, but wish to write one of the REQUIRED provincial exams in August. An example would be students who will be absent during the June provincial exam period, but need to write the required provincial exam(s) such as Science 10, social studies 11, English 12, etc.

An application form can be completed the the Education Centre, located at the summer school office in the VSB Building:
The Vancouver School Board Education Centre
Summer School Office - Ground Floor
1580 West Broadway

Applications will be accepted from May 30 to July 12, Mondays through Fridays between 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Students must present two documents to the summer school staff to have their applications accepted. They include:
  • A VSB-issued report card for the 2010/2011 year
  • A student picture ID from the school that issues the report card
The subjects where required provincial exams need to be written include: English 10, Apprenticeship and workplace math 10, Foundations of Math and Pre-calculus 10, Principles of Math 10, Science 10, Social studies 11, English 12, Communications 12, and BC First Nations Studies 12.

If you have any further questions, please come to see me.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

District Closure Day - May 20

Just a reminder to all students that tomorrow, Friday, May 20 is a district closure day. School will NOT be in session. School will also be closed Monday, May 23, for Victoria Day.

Enjoy your 4-day weekend, everyone. When we come back Tuesday, May 24, it will be a Day 2.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

June's Lunch Envelopes Due

A friendly reminder to all students that lunch envelopes for the month of June are due tomorrow, Thursday, May 19. Completed envelopes need to be submitted to the collection box in the office, or you will risk not being issued a lunch envelope in June.

For students who require assistance in payment, please contact Mr. Mustapich.

As staff and students are very busy taking care of various year-end activities and functions, it is very important that you submit your lunch envelope on time.

If you have any questions and/or concerns, please don't hesitate to come and see me.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Student Council Nomination Forms

Students who wish to run for a position on the student council next year (2011 - 2012), the application forms are now available. You can pick it up from either Ms. Nanda (Room 101), Mr. Wong (Room 303), or from your grade counsellor (that would be me!).

To be an eligible candidate, you must follow these criteria below:
  • 2.0 GPA with no failures
  • signature of 5 students who are eligible to vote (e.g. if you are running to be a grade 10 rep, only current grade 9 students can sign your nomination form)
  • signature of your grade counsellor
  • signatures of all your teachers
  • signature of an administrator (Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Mustapich, or Ms. Ward)
  • fill out a half-page statement explaining why you are running for student council
Completed applications must be returned to Ms. Nanda no later than Tuesday, May 31 at lunch.

Speeches and voting will take place Thursday, June 2.

Summer School Calendar is here

The summer school calendar has been published and delivered.

Please come to the counsellor's suite to pick up your paper copy. You can also go to Vancouver School Board's Continuing Education website (click here) to see what courses are offered.

For secondary students, there are three different types of courses that are offered at nine different locations.

Remedial courses are for students who did not successfully pass a course, and need to receive remedial support to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a course and to acquire course credits. Remedial courses go from July 5 to 29, and are offered at Gladstone, John Oliver, Prince of Wales, Point Grey, and David Thompson.

Completion courses are for students who have never taken a course before, but wish to take the course to acquire course credit. Courses go from July 5 to August 12 and are offered at 7 different locations: Churchill, John Oliver, Magee, Gladstone, Prince of Wales, Point Grey, and David Thompson.

Preview courses are for students who want to get a head start in a course they are planning to take in September of 2011. Teachers will teach students some of the fundamental concepts they are expected to master during the regular school year. Please note: preview courses are non-credit courses - completion of a preview course would not give students a grade nor course credit. They run from July 5 to 29, and are offered at five schools: Churchill, Gladstone, Prince of Wales, Point Grey, and David Thompson.

Registration for summer courses begin Wednesday, May 25. In order to register, you must have your provincial examination number (PEN) handy. To find your PEN, it is a 9-digit number you can locate it on the top left corner of your report card. You can register online, by phone, by fax, in person at the school board office (1580 West Broadway), or through mail. For more information, you can visit for more details.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Final Grade 9 Immunization Clinic

The final grade 9 immunization clinic will take place Tuesday morning during first and second period. Students will be called down to the auditorium through the PA system. Nurses and volunteers will assist you in the process.

The immunization clinic is for grade 9 girls only. Consent forms need to be returned before you receive your immunization. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Ward for details.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Instructional Planning Period

Just a reminder that there will be an instructional planning period on Friday, May 13, during first period.

Students are to report to their second period class at 10:15.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Reminder: non-instructional day

Just a reminder that Wednesday, May 11, is a non-instructional day - classes will not be in session.

When you return Thursday, May 12, it will be a day 2.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Calendar of Events (May, 2011)

Oh, how we long for the good weather! While April 2011 proved to be one of the coolest, wettest April this city has ever had, we can always hope the weather will drastically improve for the month of May. Below are some important dates for you to remember for the second last school month of the year:
  • Monday, May 2: Federal Election - the small gym will be used as the polling station
  • Tuesday, May 3: Elementary Band Night
  • Wednesday and Thursday, May 4 and 5: Cinco de Mayo
  • Thursday, May 5: District-wide earthquake drill at 2:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, May 11: Non-instructional day: school not in session
  • Thursday, May 12: School resumes on a Day 2
  • Friday, May 13: Instructional Planning Period; students begin school at 10:15
  • Tuesday, May 17: Grade 9 Immunization Clinic
  • Thursday, May 19: June's lunch envelopes due
  • Friday, May 20: District closure day - school not in session
  • Monday, May 23: Victoria Day - school not in session
  • Wednesday, May 25: Registration begins for face-to-face summer school courses
  • Thursday, May 26: Spring Dance
  • Friday, May 27: Keep Vancouver Spectacular
  • Monday, May 30: Library closed for inventory
  • Tuesday, May 31: Last round of interim reports sent home
The end of the school year is fast-approaching. If you are struggling in a course, it is important that you talk to your teacher ASAP to find out how you can catch up. There is still time, but time is running out. Please see me at any time if I can be of assistance.