Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Summer School Calendar is here

The summer school calendar has been published and delivered.

Please come to the counsellor's suite to pick up your paper copy. You can also go to Vancouver School Board's Continuing Education website (click here) to see what courses are offered.

For secondary students, there are three different types of courses that are offered at nine different locations.

Remedial courses are for students who did not successfully pass a course, and need to receive remedial support to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a course and to acquire course credits. Remedial courses go from July 5 to 29, and are offered at Gladstone, John Oliver, Prince of Wales, Point Grey, and David Thompson.

Completion courses are for students who have never taken a course before, but wish to take the course to acquire course credit. Courses go from July 5 to August 12 and are offered at 7 different locations: Churchill, John Oliver, Magee, Gladstone, Prince of Wales, Point Grey, and David Thompson.

Preview courses are for students who want to get a head start in a course they are planning to take in September of 2011. Teachers will teach students some of the fundamental concepts they are expected to master during the regular school year. Please note: preview courses are non-credit courses - completion of a preview course would not give students a grade nor course credit. They run from July 5 to 29, and are offered at five schools: Churchill, Gladstone, Prince of Wales, Point Grey, and David Thompson.

Registration for summer courses begin Wednesday, May 25. In order to register, you must have your provincial examination number (PEN) handy. To find your PEN, it is a 9-digit number you can locate it on the top left corner of your report card. You can register online, by phone, by fax, in person at the school board office (1580 West Broadway), or through mail. For more information, you can visit www.continuinged.ca for more details.

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