Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Student Council Nomination Forms

Students who wish to run for a position on the student council next year (2011 - 2012), the application forms are now available. You can pick it up from either Ms. Nanda (Room 101), Mr. Wong (Room 303), or from your grade counsellor (that would be me!).

To be an eligible candidate, you must follow these criteria below:
  • 2.0 GPA with no failures
  • signature of 5 students who are eligible to vote (e.g. if you are running to be a grade 10 rep, only current grade 9 students can sign your nomination form)
  • signature of your grade counsellor
  • signatures of all your teachers
  • signature of an administrator (Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Mustapich, or Ms. Ward)
  • fill out a half-page statement explaining why you are running for student council
Completed applications must be returned to Ms. Nanda no later than Tuesday, May 31 at lunch.

Speeches and voting will take place Thursday, June 2.

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