Friday, February 10, 2012

Course Planning: Academic Electives

For students entering grade 11, there are a number of academic electives that you can take, in addition to the required courses you must take in the four core academic areas (language arts, social studies, science, and math).

English Electives (in addition to English 11/Communications 11):
  • English Literature 12
  • Writing 12
Social Studies Electives (in addition to Social Studies 11/Canadian Studies 11):
  • First Nations Studies 12 (can be used as a grade 12 elective, or to fulfill the grade 11 socials requirement)
  • Social Justice 12
  • History through Film 12
Science Electives (one of the following must be taken to fulfill graduation requirement; additional science courses can be taken as electives):
  • Biology 11
  • Chemistry 11
  • Physics 11
  • Science and Technology 11
  • Astronomy 11 (can only be used as an elective, not a science requirement)
Mathematics Electives (you must complete one of the following to fulfill graduation requirements):
  • Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 11
  • Foundations of Mathematics 11
  • Pre-Calculus 11

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