Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Course Planning: FAQs

Finally, some answers to the frequently-asked questions regarding course planning:

Q: Can I take more than one science/math course?
A: Yes. For post-secondary application, some schools actually require a completion of two science 11 courses, in addition to a science 12 requirement. Please check with the post-secondary institution directly to make sure. For math courses, any one of the math 11 courses would fulfill graduation requirement. For admission requirements at various post-secondary institutions, please check their admission requirements directly, as they may change without prior notice.

Q: How many courses am I expected to take at Templeton? Can I have a spare? CS?
A: Full-time students generally take eight courses at Templeton. If you have an off-timetable course, one of those courses will not be meeting during regular scheduled times, thus giving you a slot where you can use as study. The service course for grade 11 students is peer-tutoring 12; community service (CS) is a service course reserved generally for grade 12 students only.

Q: Can I change my mind on courses I want to take after I submit my course request form?
A: You can. However, I would encourage you to think very carefully before submitting your course requests. When course requests are collected, the administrators use the submitted information to determine the courses that would be offered for the next school year. By not submitting your course request for a course, there is a possibility that your desired course(s) may either be full, or may not be running at all.

Q: What grade 11 courses should I be taking to prepare for post-secondary school?
A: The best way to find out is to visit these school's websites directly. Most post-secondary institutions' websites have designated pages for prospective students. There, you can browse through the different programs that the school offers, and the admission requirements for each program. A list of post-secondary schools and the links to their websites can be found on the right panel of this blog. (see red circle on the screen shot)Q: What about summer school and/or online courses? How do they affect course planning?
A: You can take a maximum of two summer school courses. Some students take remedial summer school to pass a course they did not pass during the year; others take a completion summer school course to "get ahead." If you are taking a summer school or online academic course, please notify me. This can potentially free up your timetable so you would have more room to choose an elective course, or an academic elective.

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