Friday, February 25, 2011

Course Planning 2011: FAQs

Below are the top 10 common questions that students have asked me during course planning sessions. After each question you can find a brief answer - for more details, please don't hesitate to come in and see me. Thanks!

Question #1: Can I take Planning 10 online?
Answer: The short answer is: yes. Keep in mind, taking online courses require tremendous discipline. Do not sign up for planning 10 online because you think it will be "easier;" instead, sign up for planning 10 online only because you and your parents feel this would be a more suitable educational option for you to acquire the credit for this graduation requirement course.

Question #2: Can I take other online courses and/or summer school courses to "get ahead?"
Answer: Yes. Vancouver Learning Network (or VLN) as well as summer school offer credited courses for students in grades 10, 11, and 12 that may not be offered here at Templeton. Students take credited courses for a variety of reasons, including "getting ahead." Discuss with your teachers, your family, and myself for your best educational options.

Question #3: Can I get a "spare block" if I am taking an online course, or if I have completed a summer school course?
Answer: No. Students in grades 8 to 11 are expected to take a full course load (i.e. 8 courses) at Templeton. Students in grade 12 with a heavy academic load may request for a study block.

Question #4: Which of the two math 10 courses should I sign up for?
Answer: The two math options both fulfill the math 10 requirement for graduation. Your choice for your math 10 course may have post-secondary implications. Your math teacher would have a better idea which math course would be more suitable for you. You may also use summer school courses to keep your options open - please see me or your math teacher for details.

Question #5: Do I need to take a language course in order to graduate?
Answer: There are no language requirements for graduation. Credits earned from language courses can be used towards your elective credits. Some post-secondary schools require students to complete a modern language class up to the grade 11 level. It is important for you to find out what the admission requirements are for the specific program(s) you are interested in.

Question #6: I want to take more elective courses - what do I need to do?
Answer: Templeton offers a number of outside-the-timetable courses that you can take before or after school as an additional elective. If you are taking (or have completed) one of the required grade 10 courses (e.g. Planning 10) online or during summer school, you would have one more slot for an elective course.

Question #7: Do I need to sign up for a course if I am planning to take the course in the summer or online?
Answer: Generally speaking, I would suggest all students to sign up for courses that they require. When you have completed a summer school/online course, I can change your timetable based on your summer school/VLN report card.

Question #8: Can I sign up for PE 10 Boys/Girls AND PE 10 - Outdoor Education (MPE--10YOE) at the same time?
Answer: No. Since the outdoor education option would give you PE 10 credit, you only need to sign up for either PE10B/G OR PE 10-YOE, not both.

Question #9: I don't know what I want to do after graduation yet. What courses should I be selecting?
Answer: Many of us are not sure what we want to do in the future. Try to identify area(s) that you are interested in, and keep as many options open as possible, for as long as you can. That said, you can always go back and take additional credited courses (online, summer school) to "make up."

Question #10: Can I change my choices for electives?
Answer: Yes. But please consider your choices for elective courses carefully before choosing them. Once all student requests are entered, the school would determine the actual number of blocks to assign for each course. Late changes may result in you not being able to take a course that is full.

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