Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Parent-teacher Inteview forms due

This is a reminder that parent-teacher interview request forms are due tomorrow morning (Thursday, February 3) at 10:00 a.m. Completed forms can be placed into the big box located in the waiting area in the school office.

Alternately, you can fax the form to the school. The school's fax number is 604-713-8983.

Appointment schedules will be returned to students on Tuesday, February 8.

On February 9 (Wednesday), students will be dismissed at 1:44 p.m. Teachers may be available in their classrooms until 3:00 p.m. for informal meetings. If you want to schedule a meeting during this time, please contact the teacher directly to schedule for a meeting.

Parents who are not scheduled to meet with the teachers can still attend the parent-teacher interviews. The school will try to work to allow you to meet the teacher you wish to see.

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