Friday, February 25, 2011

Course Planning 2011: Math 10 Options

As a result of changes made to the math curriculum, students heading into grade 10 now have two different math courses to which they can choose from: Apprenticeship & Workplace Mathematics 10 (MAWM-10), or Foundations of Mathematics & Pre-calculus 10 (MFMP-10).

Apprenticeship & Workplace Mathematics 10 (MAWM-10) is generally the course that students who are currently in Math 9 Adapted would take in their grade 10 year. Students in Math 9 regular may be recommended by their teachers to take this math course. The curriculum of this course can be considered "less challenging" than Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-calculus 10, and focuses on mathematical applications in one's daily life and work. The course naturally leads to Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 11. Together, these two courses would satisfy the mathematics requirements for graduation.

Foundations of Mathematics & Pre-calculus 10 (MFMP-10) is generally the course that students who are currently in Math 9 and Math 8 Challenge would take. This common course splits into Foundations of Mathematics 11 and Pre-calculus 11 at the grade 11 level, and, depending on the specific program requirements, are required for post-secondary admission (please check with the post-secondary institutions for details on admission requirements, which may change regularly).

Math teachers will be making recommendations to counsellors regarding course recommendations in mathematics. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any concerns.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I was wondering is it possible to take Foundations of Math & Pre- Calc 10 without regular grade 9 math? I took math 9 adapted and my grades were quite high. Two A's in the first term, and a B in the 3rd term. I was planning to take Foundations of math & Pre-Calc 10 completion during the summer, but the counselor said I have to take math 9 remedial and then take math 10 regular when I'm in grade 11, which would mean I would be a year behind for math in school. I'm struggling in A&W math 10 and I really want to take the regular math stream during the summer, but i don't really like the idea of being behind in math and taking remedial math 9 during the summer because I'll be also taking physics 11 completion. Is it possible to take regular math 10 during the summer if I took math 9 adapted and achieved high grades?
