Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Course Planning 2011: Graduation Requirements

It is important to understand the graduation requirements as you plan to choose your courses for grade 10 and beyond. Therefore, I have decided to go over this information first before talking about actual courses available for you to choose, and how to choose these courses.

To graduate with a dogwood diploma, all students are expected to complete 80 course credits. At Templeton, all full-year courses are worth four credits each, which means, in order to graduate, you have to complete 20 required and elective courses at the grades 10, 11, and 12 level. The required courses include the following:
  • Language Arts 10, 11, 12 (12 credits)
  • Social Studies 10, 11/12 (8 credits)
  • Science 10, 11/12 (8 credits)
  • Mathematics 10, 11/12 (8 credits)
  • PE 10 (4 credits)
  • Planning 10 (4 credits)
  • Applied Skills or Fine Arts 10/11/12 (4 credits)
  • Graduation Transitions (4 credits)
In addition to the above 52 required credits, students need to complete 28 elective credits (i.e. 7 full-year courses). Of those 28 credits, 12 credits (3 courses) must be grade 12 courses, while the other 16 credits (4 courses) can be grade 10 or grade 11 courses.

Students who are taking academic courses at the grade 11 and 12 level can use one of the courses towards their elective credits. For example, if a student takes biology 11 in her grade 11 year, and biology 12 in her grade 12 year, Biology 11 would count as her science 11 credit, while biology 12 can be used as one of her grade 12 electives.

For more information about B.C.'s graduation requirements, you can visit the Ministry of Education's website (click here).

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions and/or concerns regarding this.

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